Those who are referred to the testing location by a doctor will not even have to get out of their cars or trucks, and that’s because Wheeling’s and Ohio County’s first-responder will team up with Wheeling Hospital staff to offer drive-thru testing from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in the large parking lot at Wheeling Park.
Two large, white tents have been erected by members of the Wheeling Fire Department near the pool area, and police officers will guide motorists to and through the testing areas.
“This is a large project that’s been spearheaded by Wheeling Hospital, so a lot of credit has to go to them,” Gamble said. “The idea behind it is to take pressure off of their ER staff at the facility so those people can treat people in need of emergency services. So, this new off-site location will be at Wheeling Park in front of the pool area, and it will be a testing location for those referred there by their primary physicians.
“The individuals who meet the testing criteria can be referred to that location, and the staff will first try to rule other illnesses out before testing them for COVID. Once the COVID test is performed, those materials are sent to the lab for testing,” he explained. “This is a big undertaking to pull off because of the testings that will take place when necessary. The tents were set up this afternoon by the Wheeling Fire Department, and when people come to that location, they will be directed where to go once they reach the front of the White Palace.”

Isolated Location
Gamble explained the parking lot location was chosen so those seeking a test no longer need to visit Wheeling Hospital’s emergency room and because it’s an isolated area the Wheeling Park Commission permitted to be utilized.
“In some parts of the state, people are using medical facilities for the testing, but the site that we’ll have starting tomorrow is at a wide-open location instead,” the health department administrator said. “Our place is isolated so no one has to walk through a place where people with signs and symptoms have gone. It’s going to look like a large M*A*S*H unit, if you will, where you’ll be able to drive up, get the services, and then hopefully get out of there in a timely manner.
“It might be tough in the very beginning because this is the first time any of us has had to do something like this,” he continued. “But we’ll learn from it and make the necessary adjustments and move forward. But remember, it is for symptomatic individuals who have been referred to the location. This is not a mass- testing location for the general public. That’s being done in other parts of the country, but this location, right now, is for symptomatic patients only.”
Need a Prescription
Gamble again emphasized that a people visiting for the COVD-19 test must have a referral, or a prescription, from their doctor, and that is why he feels the first day may be the only slow one until it is no longer necessary.
“Tomorrow may start out slow because those who come do have to have that referral, and our local physicians just found out about this, so tomorrow will likely be the first day when patients can be sent. We’ll have to see in the morning,” Gamble said. “I believe Wheeling Hospital is going to make this effort systemwide, so that’s why it will be from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., but that could be adjusted because of demand and need.
“And because the location is outside, we’ll have to deal with the elements,” he added. “Along with the employees from Wheeling Hospital, the site will be staffed with Wheeling police officers, the fire department, and the county EMA, and we’re hoping that we’ll pull the people who have been going to the ER for the testing because those staffs are very busy and have been since OVMC and East Ohio were closed.”