Ohio County Schools is aiming to reach their youngest population through a unique event designed to offer guidance to families of our youngest clientele.  On January 11th, from 11-1, future students will be invited to attend Tiny Patriots.  

“Tiny Patriots is a way to meet our incoming students even sooner.  We know that parents can feel anxious about next steps, and this is the perfect opportunity to put faces to names and programs while benefiting from community resources and activities,” states Ohio County Schools Director of Public Relations, Karin Butyn, “This is also a come and go event during the hours of 11-1.  Families can explore at their leisure.” 

The program is slated to take place at the Ohio County Public Library and will feature two floors: the basement will host a resource fair with various entities that are heavily involved in the early childhood process; the upstairs floor on the library in the children’s section will have activities geared toward toddlers and young children scheduled on a half hour rotation.  

“During the two hours, we hope parents and guardians come to learn more about Ohio County Schools programming and take advantage of the various resources our community offers, such as Birth-3, HeatStart, WIC, and WVU Medicine,” states Butyn. When not checking out the downstairs resources, we encourage families to explore arts, crafts, and theater activities as well as receive some Tiny Patriots gear.  

“For so many of our families, learning starts in Ohio County Schools.  We can’t wait to give our families the opportunity to feel at home even sooner,” states Butyn. Registration for the event is not required, but is recommended so appropriate t-shirt sizes can be ordered.  Register on Ohio County Schools Facebook Page with the Google Form linked at the top of the page, or go to https://tinyurl.com/TinyPatriotsForm.  Families can also register by calling the Office of Public Relations at 304-243-0493.