City of Wheeling fines including traffic citations, municipal court fines and building code violations can now be paid online via the City’s website.
Assistant Finance Director John Carlier explained individuals wishing to pay a fine online simply need to visit the Municipal Court page on the City’s website at www.wheelingwv.gov/departments/MunicipalCourt and select the Pay a Fine Online link that appears about halfway down the page. The user will be taken to a form that must be filled out with contact information, an address and payment information.
“There is a 2 percent processing fee and $2 convenience fee added to the balance of all online payments. A receipt for your payment will be e-mailed to you upon completion of the payment,” he said, noting that parking tickets CANNOT be paid via this link.
Carlier noted that individuals wishing to pay a fine via telephone, by mailing it or visiting the finance office can still do so. The online payment capability is in addition to the other payment methods.
“In a time when many folks do most of their business electronically, we are pleased to offer this online option. It’s simple and convenient,” he said.
Individuals paying fines more than 90 days after the issuance of the citation should contact the City of Wheeling’s Finance Department at 304-234-6473 to determine if late fees or penalties apply. Also, those wishing to set up a payment plan can also inquire by calling the aforementioned number.