The renovations to the new Alpha Tavern are nearly complete, and the establishment is planning to open in early October with a menu unlike that of any other eatery in the Wheeling area.

That was Beau Catalano’s goal when creating a brand new menu for a restaurant that has been a fixture in the Friendly City for several decades.

“The development of the menu is complete, and there will be 12 different salads, 10 to 12 unique appetizers, and we’re going to have chops, steaks, meatloaf, turkey, roast beef, and, of course, our smoked meats, too,” Catalano said. “There’s going to be plenty to choose from, and we’ll also have a lot of different special appetizers at the bar, too.

“The process was a lot of fun for me because it’s very different from anything I’ve created before,” he said. “I have been in this business for many years, but there was some learning to do as far as the smoker and those meats were concerned. Plus, I’ve created some new rubs and sauces, so it was really interesting for me. It gets you going again, you know?” 

A phot of a chef.
Partner Beau Catalano has developed a new menu for the eatery that features lunches, dinners, and appetizers.
A brand new kitchen.
Even the walls are stainless steel inside the new kitchen at the Alpha Tavern.

The Process

For many years, Catalano has concentrated on the menu options for Undo’s restaurants in Benwood, Wheeling, St. Clairsville, and Weirton, but many may not realize that the company has offered catering services for more than 30 years.

That experience allowed Catalano to “think out of the box” when it came to developing the lunch and dinner options for the Alpha Tavern.

“Our catering division has been serving much different dishes from what we have offered at Undo’s,” Catalano said. “We have cooked so many varieties of food, so I concentrated on some of the dishes that people really liked and went from there. We had to bring it all done to one dish instead of preparing enough for 300 for a banquet or a wedding.

A smoker station.
The menu at the Alpha Tavern will feature several different kinds of smoked meat.

“There will be changes made to the menu as we see what our customers like the best or like the least, and we’ll go from there,” he said. “That’s how this business works and how it will continue here.”

Once he selected what he believes will please future Alpha Tavern customers, the time arrived for Catalano to perfect the dishes.

“It was a whole new experience for me, and you get excited about it, and you’re on it every day,” he explained. “You want to conquer it so you’re making this change and that change. It really was a lot of fun for me.

“You just want to make it the best you can make it,” he said. “And yes, we’ll be opening soon, but I’m not finished with trying new things because that’s what we want to offer our customers here at the Alpha Tavern.”

A photo of a restaurant dining room.
The dining room was gutted and the new seating is beginning to take shape.
A front patio on a restaurant.
One of the biggest additions to 50 Carmel Road is an exterior dining area near the front entrance.

From Head to Toe

The renovations to 50 Carmel Road have been very extensive, and in the beginning, construction workers had to use a backhoe to remove the flooring in the LVL and bar areas.

The kitchen was gutted, too, but now features stainless steel walls, and brand new equipment, and walk-in coolers have been installed. The dining areas are nearly complete, and only furniture and railings need to be added to the new deck that rests at the front of the eatery.

The front facade of a restaurant.
The front entrance may look familiar, but the interior is a brand new experience.

“I believe we are very fortunate to have this opportunity to give this place back to the Wheeling community,” Catalano said. “It could have been anybody who got this chance, so I appreciate being involved, and I’m looking forward to seeing the reaction of our customers.

“And the renovation went from dirt that this building sits on and all the way to the roof, and that’s not an exaggeration,” he said. “Every piece of this building has been improved to build this place back up so we can bring it back for the people who have always loved this place.”