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Pete Chacalos – He’s Got the Resume


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It’s extensive, too.

  • Graduated from Wheeling Park High in 1978
  • Higher education degrees from WVU and Ohio University
  • A board-certified – nationally, that is – educator
  • A total of 35 years of teaching

Check. Check. Check. Check.

A few more, if that’s ok.

  • 28 years as head athletic trainer at WPHS
  • Outstanding WPHS Educator for 2018-2019
  • Teacher of the Year from the Wheeling Chamber of Commerce
  • Vice president of the Ohio Valley Civil War Roundtable

For all of those reasons and many more, that’s why you know the name, “Pete Chacalos.” The wrapped ankles, that first balanced chemical equation, or maybe Ohio County residents voted in his favor on June 9 because they just like the amicable fellow despite the fact he’s a Cleveland Browns fan.

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Pete’s career in education extended more than three decades.

You retired from education. Why did you decide to return to education with a seat on the Ohio County Board of Education?

I made a difference as a classroom teacher for 35 years. I knew, however, that it was time to step away. I still had the desire to make a difference. I felt as a Board of Education member, I could do that, and give back to the school system that did so much for me, both as a student and as a teacher.

In your opinion, how will your 35 years of teaching science help you in this position?

I am well aware of the challenges faced by students and teachers. Education has changed dramatically since I began my career. We (students and teachers) have always had to respond to those challenges in moving forward. I know we cannot be complacent, and we must embrace those changes. I have done that my entire career.

I feel that experience will serve me well as a board member. I also have experience on the extracurricular side of education, having served as head athletic trainer for 28 of those 35 years. In addition, I have served as a Student Council advisor and co-coordinator of the Queen of Queens event at WPHS.

A man next to a grave of s solider.
Chacalos mourned the death of this former student who gave his life to his country.

What is it about the Civil War that interests you the most?

Anything Civil War related piques my interest, but I am fascinated by the people — the human-interest stories that we rarely hear about. I am extremely interested in the things that occurred in the part of Virginia that became West Virginia and in the process that led to the formation of West Virginia.

I also like to visit the battlefields of the Civil War, Gettysburg especially.They are so peaceful and serene (quite a contrast to the past) and allow for quiet contemplation about the events that occurred there.

Is it difficult to be a Browns fan in the Wheeling area? Why or why not?

It is not difficult at all, at least not for me. There is a lot of good-natured ribbing, especially from my Steeler friends, but I have always rooted for the Browns, and I always will.

Two men answering questions.
Pete participated in an online Town Hall with Scott Mumper during the campaign.

What have you missed the most since retiring from teaching at Wheeling Park High?

I miss the day-to-day interaction with my kids. They got to know me, and I was able to know them — their likes and their interests. It always felt good getting a heartfelt card or letter, a phone call, or an invitation to a wedding.  It told me I must have been doing something right — that I made a difference.

I have celebrated milestones with them and, unfortunately, I have grieved at their funerals. Yes, I miss getting to know them and allowing them to know me.

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Steve Novotney
Steve Novotney
Steve Novotney has been a professional journalist for 33 years, working in print for weekly, daily, and bi-weekly publications, writing for a number of regional and national magazines, host baseball-related talks shows on Pittsburgh’s ESPN, and as a daily, all-topics talk show host in the Wheeling and Steubenville markets since 2004. Novotney is the co-owner, editor, and co-publisher of LEDE News, and is the host of “Novotney Now,” a daily program that airs Monday-Friday from 3-6 p.m. on River Talk 100.1 & 100.9 FM.


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