The Ohio County Airport was an important part of his campaign when running for a seat on the Ohio County Commission, and now Zach Abraham has had a few months to familiarize himself with the inner workings of the position.
And he remains intrigued. He still sees the potential growth he thought possible as a candidate. That is why he’s conducted extensive research and collected a group of advisors, and why Abraham continues searching for the next best revenue-generating engine for Ohio County.
It is also why the commissioner agreed to the following question-and-answer conversation with LEDE News.
Please tell me why you are so intrigued with Ohio County Airport. I ask because I believe you see something most do not.
The airport is an underutilized asset for the County, and I believe we are missing opportunities to utilize the airport to enhance the economic viability of not only the airport, but Ohio County and many of the surrounding counties in both WV and OH. A few details of interest:
- In the state of WV, the aerospace and aviation industries are accounting for over $2 billion in direct and indirect economic growth, which is expected to continue for the next several years.
- Additionally, the US will have a national shortage of airline pilots in the number of 500K to 600K over the next eight or so years (based on pre-COVID research).
We also have the opportunity to connect the airport for aviation education opportunities that can help support workforce development and some light manufacturing in the related industries, not to mention opportunities in material or package logistics, drone or complimentary forms of aviation, and connectivity to our local and regional tourism and hospitality industries.
We can also use the airport to help attract individuals and recruit and retain medium to larger sized companies to our area of the state and to the greater Ohio Valley region. Airports provide direct access to development and growth areas.

The airport – short-term, long-term – what’s the hoped-for plan?
Planning Thoughts (over the next 36-48 months):
- Creation of Airport Advisory Committee – completed – have had two meetings in 2021 to date – planning a future weekend event in late Summer or early Fall 2021 for the 75th anniversary of the airport.
- Develop a plan to best utilize the airport and its assets (existing and future).
- Identify opportunities for private- and grant-funding options to support growth and utilization of the airport.
- Develop opportunities and events to engage our local communities in Ohio County and adjacent counties on an ongoing basis.
- Develop a relationship with an organization to deliver a Flight School (private pilots and commercial airline training).
- Develop a relationship with an organization to deliver Charter flight services (for one or maybe two destinations) for the local tri-state area.
- Create relationships with local higher education and secondary education institutions in Ohio County and the surrounding Ohio Valley region to provide opportunities for learning at the airport.
- Create long-range education, workforce development and employment opportunities at the airport.
- Increase the amount of flight operations at the airport to help with FAA support.
- Engage traditional, alternative or related aerospace and aviation (i.e., drones and logistics) companies to invest in our airport and/or provide future growth/expansion of the industry markets.
- Review areas that are not able to be used for traditional development, but can be utilized for other purposes to benefit the County (i.e., adding some solar energy panels/farms).
- Continue to request the enhancement/repair of airport infrastructure plan as needed through the airport engineering firm and FAA compatible with development activities.
Wheeling to New York City is a popular bus trip – why not on a plane instead? Possibilities? Your thoughts?
It would be great for us to be able to offer reasonable charter services based on a few destinations popular to the area that may be traveled by vehicle or other means. Charter Services to NYC could be a possibility at some point in the future depending on the needs of the local area. Offering charter services to Florida and Myrtle Beach, S.C., may also be a few first initial targets, based on the number of local citizens that travel to those to areas.
Developing a few sites for three of four months of the year may provide us long-term sustainability of such services to see how they may “take off” – no pun intended … or maybe so!
How much time will it take for changes with operations and development to be visible to Ohio County residents?
We need to create activity and excitement around the airport. My hope is that we can make some initial and meaningful impact over the next two to three years. It will be centered around the development and execution of future growth/development plans and engaging the community. Once the community and the residents of Ohio County and surrounding areas are engaged and take ownership of the wonderful opportunities that the airport can provide (visiting and using it), it will be easier to develop new opportunities over time.

Many changes have taken place; the hiring of Greg Stewart’s management company was canceled, and OCDA board members have been altered. Please explain why this “new way” to do Ohio County’s business is the better way to do business for the residents.
There is really no new way or old way; it is just a different way and a new lens by which to see a new picture. Change can help us grow, and as we know, change is the only thing constant in life. We have some work ahead of us, but I have seen some really good collaboration among many organizations and have been a part of some great conversations over the past few months in my new role. I am excited about our future. It is going to take everyone pulling in the same direction consistently over time to create the long-term impact we need to sustain and grow Ohio County. If I can help support that growth and serve as a catalyst in my role as Commissioner, then I look forward to the challenge.
Please explain what it has meant to you to serve as an Ohio County Commissioner since the beginning of 2021 and what your goals are for the future.
It has been very exciting to see all the possibilities for Ohio County. I feel very blessed to be able to serve the citizens of Ohio County in my Commissioner capacity. My goal is to help put Ohio County (also helping the region) back on the map and to help reverse the trend of population loss in Ohio County over the past several decades. To help stop our population loss and work towards growth and longer term sustainability, I believe it is important for us to focus on the following items from my personal perspective:
- Develop and execute a Countywide master plan through collaboration and shared resources with many organizations to deploy actions that:
- help support the current business community;
- attract new business/industries and developers/investors;
- create additional education and workforce development opportunities which help develop a larger and skilled labor market (i.e., technology and skilled trades to name a few);
- attract remote professionals, families who want a better quality of life/lower cost, visitors/guests, and retirees;
- Review and execute infrastructure improvements (water, sewer, and broadband to name a few) in the county;
- Review the Highlands development and develop a future plan for best-mixed future use, sustainability, and usability for the next 20 years;
- This includes identifying other areas for future development;
- Obtain funding for and the development of the second interchange at The Highlands;
- Explore opportunities to develop and improve other areas of Ohio County.