My kid slammed her finger in a door the other day at school. I was finally able, after numerous texts, to convince her to find the nurse and ask for some ice. When she shared a picture with me, I could see a purple bruise starting. When she came home, I looked at it and decided that it probably wasn’t broken but it wouldn’t hurt to get it x-rayed. We tried two urgent care facilities and were told both times they were on a 1 ½ hour wait because of COVID tests. 

She went through the registration process at the second facility to be told there were no rooms. Meanwhile, I called a third place and was told a 20-minute wait. Needless to say, we hit the road. I kept thinking about the fact that so many people were receiving COVID tests. But I’m not hearing a lot about it out here. My timeline used to be filled with the latest news and opinions, but that seems to have all but died out. 

Last night, our school board decided to wait for two weeks to revisit the mask mandate. They changed the quarantine policy. I will say we all seem to be fighting off some sort of respiratory stuff this week, and we weren’t sick at all last year. My allergy pills have proven worthless, and mom’s asthma is showing off. I’m sure isolating in our houses has weakened our immune systems. We haven’t been used to having to fight off illness, at least here, and I don’t miss the sicknesses, to be honest.

The other day I was approached about stories from people who have experienced dental issues. There are groups working on having these benefits expanded for those on Medicare. I hope it’s not like the backhanded win with dental benefits with Medicaid. I mean, sure, it’s great that an adult on the medical card can receive dental help, but when the dentists refuse to accept the benefit, what’s the point in even having it if you can’t use it?

Healthcare in rural communities is often difficult because of geography alone. I have been in a community where the hospital can’t do anything more than x-rays. I was told by a community member that her family has helicopter insurance so they could get to a hospital that could treat them.

Let that sink in. People right here in West Virginia, living in their county’s seat. 

I’m grateful for my kids’ insurance. My oldest’s permanent retainer snapped the other night. Knowing we could get it fixed without concern about money was such a relief, a blessing. Even the trip to urgent care last night for an x-ray of a pinkie finger didn’t cause financial stress. We should all have the right to affordable health care. Call that a socialist opinion if you will. 

Yesterday was spent talking to people about how the Child Tax Credit expansion has helped them. I love the fact this is making a positive difference in our country. I mean, after the first payment was released in the summer, we saw an immediate decrease in food insecurity. I love hearing from people and celebrating the improvements in their lives. We’re rolling out a digital campaign next week, so you’ll be able to celebrate as well. 

One story mentions tires for the vehicle. I upsized my car last year. The vehicle is bigger and so is the payment. The insurance jumped and jumped ridiculously again when the household added a new driver. I’m used to waiting until my tax refund each year to put new tires on my old car. I spent $46 a tire. I hadn’t paid any attention to the tires on this used car because they hadn’t been giving me trouble. Well, two weeks ago, we started with a slow leak. Held air well for a trip to D.C. But now we’re dealing with it on the daily and we drive too much to play around. 

Imagine my surprise when the cheapest tire was over $100! Bigger vehicle, bigger tires. I dropped over $500 last night for four new tires. Six months ago, I would have gotten one tire and kept an eye on the others. I probably would’ve been frustrated to the point of tears, too. Being able to get those tires at one time without freaking out about paying other bills and buying food is a feeling you have to have experienced to understand. There’s nothing like it. 

Hell, a friend of mine brought me to tears the other night by telling me she finally has a savings account. I’m telling you, this Build Back Better package is helping people to change their lives. Call Manchin and tell him your story. 


Amy Jo