It’s not an empty wallet that’s causing me to dip into the vault of past dining experiences this weekend. No, for once, I actually have money during the opposite of payday weekend.
No, this time it’s the case of the stomach flu. If I could get food down long enough to actually taste it, I fear I’d be doing whichever restaurant we’d frequent a disservice.
That being said, I’m reaching back to another eatery I’ve frequented on occasion since moving to Belmont County nearly five years ago.
As I’ve stated before, if you like pizza, then St. Clairsville is the town for you—so many options, so many styles and varieties, from downright gourmet to budget-friendly, and all choices in between.
Each pizza shop has its own signature option, that little something that sets it apart from all the other options in town. What that menu item is may be up for debate between regulars, but there’s usually one or two that most folks can agree upon.
Today, we’re talking about The Pizza Shack in St. Clairsville, located at 111 E. Woodrow Ave., directly across from the high school/middle school complex.
We’ve gone here on more than just a couple of occasions. One, because I think what I believe is Pizza Shack’s signature offering is quite tasty, and two, my daughter loves what I believe is its other signature offering.
Pizza Shack, technically, hasn’t gone to the Ohio Valley traditional route of the square pizza. Its main pies are round and available with multiple toppings. It also has an assortment of subs on its menu, along with salads.
But it’s the two other items on the menu that we enjoy, and I think you will too if you aren’t already. Trust me; it’s worth a shot.

The Food
What keeps me coming back to The Pizza shack is the French bread pizza. Picture a loaf of French bread you’d find at a grocery store. Slice it in half, cover it with sauce, cheese, and toppings, then back it in the oven.
In short? It’s delicious. The French bread gives it a slightly different taste and texture, while the toppings and sauce are still vintage pizza. I previously said technically square, because, after baking, a slice of French bread looks quite square in its presentation. But it is, in fact, two rectangular slices of French bread, baked together.
I know more than a few native St. Clairsvillians who swore by this particular style of pizza before I moved to town, and after I tried it the first time, I had to agree with them. Plus, it’s pretty affordable. I’m a big eater—obviously—and my max on French bread slices is four, and that was pushing it.
Rarely do I do eat the max because we almost always purchase an order of the breadsticks to go with it. I know what you’re thinking. It’s just breadsticks, right? You can get them at a certain chain down in the plaza for $4.
And no, you’d be wrong.
Pizza Shack’s breadsticks are covered in cheese and four sauces. They come out in the exact size of your standard round pizza, and the taste and quantity are well worth the slight price increase that you’d be used to paying for run-of-the-mill breadsticks. It’s a fair trade because these are anything but run-of-the-mill.
How are the subs at Pizza Shack? No clue. Never felt the need to try them, though there are some tempting combinations. All I need are a few slices of French bread-style pizza and some breadsticks, and we’re good to go.
Is it my favorite pizza in the Valley? No. But it’s definitely earned a permanent spot in the pizza rotation at our household.