Santorine: ‘Is This the Best We Have?’

A sketch of the White House.
The race for the White House will be at the top of the ballot come November 5th.

When running a political campaign, the money is critical, but if you have fundamentally flawed candidates, all the money in the world won’t fix it.

I’m actually amused at the flailing around that Democrats are doing.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz don’t represent America. They are a San Francisco left liberal, and a leftist governor with an agenda that we still don’t understand. We may not understand, but it’s nothing that we are interested in having foisted upon us.

That is their fatal flaw.

Neither represents the best that America has to offer. We are a largely Christian, center right nation. These are the people who pay the taxes. These are the people who vote.

The people already see through the smoke and mirrors. We are paying strict attention to the people behind the curtain.

The Democrats have spent one billion dollars in the last 90 days. As G. Gordon Liddy would have said, that’s 1,000 million dollars. I’m not going to type it out. You get it. It’s an obscene amount of money.

One Billion Dollars on propaganda to try to gloss over how stunningly wrong Harris/Walz is for America. It’s not working. Their campaign is in free-fall, and the polls show it. They are also in disarray, and from a purely academic standpoint, it’s amusing.

It’s been known for most of a century that the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is kept in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Ad nauseam literally translates to “until sickness.” It’s the great national belly ache.

Watching their campaign flail around, throwing everything (including the kitchen sink) at Trump, and literally nothing sticks. Their media people have executed their own undoing.

The mistakes have already been made. They are in a tailspin that can only end on Election Day.

We have been spared much of the “Hate Trump” television advertising in the Upper Ohio Valley. The vast majority of us won’t vote for elites and their installed (not elected) candidate. They are smart enough not to waste money here.

The reaction of my friends in Europe and Eastern Europe are telling – they are amazed that the Democrats (who are generally aligned with their thinking) would actually run THAT – her (their words, not mine) – for President.

“Putin would stomp all over her,” is the usual comment. Weakness shows.

I do find the messaging on leftist campaigns interesting. We tend to echo what we read.

One of the oldest communist party slogans has been “Forward”. It’s code, and you need to know exactly what it means. They repeat what they read, and they know that you and I in “flyover land” are not up to understanding.

But we do understand.

When Harris is trotting out snippets of the Communist Manifesto, “Move forward into the future unburdened by what has been,” it’s a tip off to what she’s been thinking. That’s Marx, pure and unadulterated. You know, the basement dweller who also said, “Religion is the Opium of the People”.

The alleged “fact checkers” are quick to try to protect their chosen leader, and their actions are so sadly transparent to everyone.

Add to it how insistent the left is on relieving our best and brightest of the wealth they have earned (“their fair share” is telling them they should pay most of it to government), because bureaucrats who never earned a thing are going to be so much kinder and gentler in allocating what they stole from you in taxation.

These are messages of hate, not of love and inclusion.

That one snippy “know it all” at church probably sums it up nicely. After vocally hating Trump in 2016 and 2020, she said, “I can’t possibly vote for either of those two”.

Democrats would know this if they ever went to church.

You already know who I’m voting for, and it’s no secret, but I have to form the question that those in political leadership should be asking: “Is this the best we have?”

I know that on a weekly basis, I have to choose between two truly bad options. Which sucks less?

I think we know the answer.