While everyone else is obsessing over the election, I’m completely burned out on things political, so I’m going to talk about people.

I believe great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about things, and small minds talk about other people, so the chatter will be about people who add value through their approach, their ideas, and their humor and wit. Especially the chuckles and laughs.

I was having dinner with my son and one of his co-workers, and we were discussing the finer points of her dealing with her team. I quipped “poof, you’re in the people business,” and her immediate response was, “Now I know where your son gets that.”

Guilty as charged! It was also a moment of intense pride for me, knowing that I had made a lasting impression on my son, who, like most his age, is in complete denial that his parents made it to their current age without his sage counsel.

“Poof,” as in the noise the genie makes emerging from the bottle … or the sound of something electrical turning into smoke … or the sound made by a character in a long-forgotten electronic arcade game from the early 1980’s.

The people business. So many of us are in the thick of it, and it’s not something that we are either properly or formally taught. It’s also counter intuitive, and doing it well requires discipline and thoughtfulness. It’s not easy. We are all in it every day, at work, at home and with every club or organization to which we belong.

A preacher for whom I have great respect for once told me, “The only problem with Church is that there are other people there.” That can be interpreted so many ways and is true no matter how you look at it. Sure, we all need some private time, but most of what we do, and the memories we create we do with family, and those who share our values and like to do things that we do.

The founders of the college fraternity I proudly belong to established their open motto as, “We enjoy life by the help and society of others.” I know I do and am confident that you do as well.

I spent the last week at a campground in California for a Vintage RV Convention (FYI, I’m a past president of that association). We all have the same brand of motorhome that was made from 1973 to 1978. Allegedly, the association is about the motorhome, but, well, it’s not. It’s really a social organization with a motorhome “problem”.

Terrific people from many different places and backgrounds, bringing amazing skills and stories, and – get this – having FUN together. I think quite often what’s missing from so many clubs, organizations and even work, is the fun factor. Commonality of purpose is easy. Making fun is magic.

I enjoy the people part of it.

I’ve made many friends – the oil company man from Texas with the booming voice; the designer of nuclear submarines who’s quiet demeanor and absolute mastery of things mechanical and metallurgical had me attentive to every word; the educators; the school nurse; the tech people.; the musicians (of whom I’ll always remain in awe); the executive coach. I’ve learned so much from all of them. And we have had a great time, as well!

If you provide the time for it, the fun takes care of itself, but to have a successful group, there are things that need to be done. Meetings that need to be handled, tasks to delegate, opportunities disguised as problems that need to be swiftly dispatched, and more.

You can do that in such a way that it is fun. If you can learn to make it fun, your organization will flourish. People will want to join with you. “You mean we can do good and have fun doing it?”.

Yes, we can. Sign me up.

Or, you can be a dictator, and you’ll drive people away. Always trying to find some logical “benefit” to promote that will magically make people sign up and join you.

Far too many unenlightened leaders think micro-managing and being dictatorial is the way to go. If it works at all, it’s for a short period of time, and then results in a marked contraction.

People don’t like being “bossed.” People like being on a team and crave being on a winning team. I contend that people like having fun. As a leader, you need to make certain that you make time for it. Then sit back, watch, and smile. I like a grin like a Cheshire Cat!

In this day and age, greatness is mandatory. So is having fun, and you’ll get as much fun as you make the time to have.

You are in the people business. Go forth, do really great things.

Don’t skimp on the fun.


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