Santorine: Presidential Debate a Miscarriage of Politics

An image of debates.
The presidential debate this past Thursday has Democrats wondering about their current candidate,

Sometimes I think I’m living in a dystopian film, in a warped society where we send warriors out to fight our battles for us, and the winner of this one-on-one combat chooses which set of ideologies will prevail until the have two warriors face off again.

The fact we are doing this today, with a couple of geezers standing up in front of our nation making outlandish claims makes me pinch myself to make certain I’m awake. Is this really happening?

Is this the best our nation can do? The competition is macabre at best.

We all know there are two competing schools of thought. Big Government and Huge Taxes vs. Limited Government and allegedly lower taxes. Two completely different types of governance.

With each side sticking to its guns, there is no compromise, just a bit of wiggle on taxes, and it’s back and forth every few years. So, we spend a lot of money figuring out the most tax advantageous way to arrange our lives until the current tax cuts expire. Talk about not being “fair,” but we always punish our best and brightest, don’t we? Aspirational America is no longer about the brightest and best but instead about the most politically connected.

I’ve been told that I say that “Trump is a New Yorker” too many times, and maybe it’s how he acts. The TRUMP brand has always been about shiny and bold, and just a little “over the top.” Like the man. But that is how you need to roll when you’re playing in the city that never sleeps.

On Thursday night for the presidential debate, former president Donald J. Trump had his businessman’s face on, including that look of incredulity that each of us has when we are faced with an excessive load of untruth. The non-stop lies coming from President Joe Biden were nothing short of incredible. The Trump “you’re full it of” face was on for most of the two hours.

It’s obvious that Biden has never been in a grocery store or had to fill up the family car in recent months. The costs are staggering due to inflation, and wages have not kept up. The average family really does not care that some obscure employment metric is three-tenths of a percentage point better under him than it was under Trump.

Of the excuses from the left trying to justify Biden’s performance, one sticks out in my mind –  “Biden has a cold.” Really now, after a week secluded at Camp David to prep for this, a mere cold took down the leader of the free world in a debate?

Thank God we weren’t in the middle of multiple international conflicts and domestic unrest caused by inflation. Or are we?

I think it’s obvious that we need a brawler in the White House for a bit. A troubleshooter who’s not afraid to take on the entrenched bureaucracy. Someone who has done the job and has had time to reflect on his “Wins-Losses-Ties” from term one. Someone who clearly calls it like it is.

Much like physicians, the best ones usually have really poor bedside manners.

When I look at a politician, the litmus test is always, “Would I like to have dinner with that man?”

I think an incredibly interesting conversation would be had breaking bread with Donald J. Trump. 

Sure, he’s a bit of a braggart. That goes with the territory (another way of saying ‘He’s a New Yorker’). He connects with the common man, and that makes him seem much more real.

The debate was a demonstration of two old men, one with words and the other with mumbles (from a person who is clearly not as sharp as he once was). The debate proved that Biden is completely incapable or leading the greatest country on the face of the earth, and that Trump has reached the limit of what one human should have to endure as far as attacks and untruths.

In pugilist terms, when it was obvious that Trump had Biden bloodied and beaten, he didn’t let up. In normal times, he would have. Continuing the fight served no purpose, save for one.

The former president needed to get some of those frustrations out, and he did so by showing no mercy. In retrospect, I don’t blame him. I hope the political operatives who organize such things know better than to subject the American people to another one of these spectacles.

It was, in every way, disgraceful.

Unless the Democrat Party decides to risk blowing itself apart by replacing their presumptive nominee at the last minute, this is the pairing for the general election. We know what we have to deal with in November and I’ll be passing out clothespins that may help with the stench in the voting booth.

Is it possible that, maybe, we are getting the government we deserve?