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Santorine: ‘The Original Wrong Here Was Obamacare


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When a very high-profile gun crime is committed and the left doesn’t roll out their gun control rhetoric, everyone knows that something is afoot.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is trying to justify the murder of a health care executive on the basis that people are “fed up”? You’re joking, right? What sane person would attempt this maneuver?

When very liberal senators and members the House are scrambling and trying to justify murder, you should know immediately that something stinks. Would someone remind the good Senator that back in 2010 she was part of passing “Obamacare”.  You know, the “Affordable Care Act” also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

That’s what stinks.

The public knows that we generally get the opposite of what is legislated, and boy did we get screwed with that one – quite possibly the most expensive government boondoggle ever.

Let’s see what Obamacare brought us – much higher costs for the middle class and their employers, and the beginning of rationed care.

A huge paperwork burden, to the point that the “Average Joe” isn’t up to the mountain of excessive and confusing paperwork. All required by Obamacare.

Affordable? Hardly. The only thing Obama and his cronies protected is the insurers’ bottom line.

The Left liked to point out that millions more were insured after Obamacare was instituted.

Well, that only lasted for a few months. A large percentage of those who gleefully hopped on the Obamacare bandwagon defaulted, and lost their coverage. They didn’t do the most basic thing when it came to their insurance. They didn’t pay for it.

How they like to forget the botched execution. The broken website. The coverage people paid for and never received. The mountains of paperwork that the hospitals and insurers are required to send for even the simplest procedures.

But the higher costs and ridiculous paperwork lingers on and shows no sign of abating.

Brian Thompson, United Healthcare CEO, father of two, husband to one and talented executive was shot in the back by a coward with a manifesto that is completely misplaced. Healthcare insurance companies are not the problem.

The real problem with our healthcare is Obamacare.

If the killer was really interested in making a statement, he would have been 262 miles to the northeast of Manhattan, where the real perpetrator of all he thought was wrong is located.

The Left likes to have a single bogeyman upon which to blame everything.

For the 2020 election, that boogeyman was Donald Trump. They spent billions making him the bad guy.

What they don’t want to admit is when it comes to healthcare, the boogeyman is Obamacare and its progenitor.

But it’s a lot easier for the cowards on the left to hang concentric circles on the back of some executive who does not have Secret Service protection and deliver the sucker punch that is the only thing they do well.

Just like it was easier for the coward in this killing to shoot Mr. Thompson in the back. It would have taken guts to look him in the eye and pull the trigger. Guts they lack.

I know the Left has always demonstrated cowardice, but it’s disheartening to see it in action quite this way.

Health care executives and insurance companies will do exactly what they have been legislated to do. They are so tightly regulated they are, in effect, a branch of the government.

For most things, I don’t assume malice when the explanation is likely incompetence. When it comes to the legislation pushed by Obama, I can’t help but think it’s both.

I’ll work to avoid mentioning the name of the publicity-seeking, coward shooter. The faster he receives justice, the better. But I won’t give him the publicity he and his supporters so desperately want.

I know that fixing health care is on President Trump’s agenda. I’m supremely confident that he will get it done. But in the meantime, you and I are going to be paying for private security for multiple levels of senior executives at the 900 or so health insurance companies in the United States.

All because of the actions of a misguided, crazy twenty-something, and the leftists that actually believe that killing your opponent is a viable strategy.

What scares me the most is that, if through some miscarriage of justice, the shooter is acquitted, that vigilante justice will take over. Two wrongs have never made a right.

Let us not forget the original wrong here was Obamacare.


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