Santorine: Who Really Is the Threat to Democracy?

A drawing of people.
The Founding Fathers intended for all citizens to be involved with the operation of government.

The real existential threat to democracy is the fact that 15 million Democrats voted in the primary and now their party nominee is being decided by the party elite.

You know, the very same Democrats who claim that anyone who is not with them is a “threat to democracy”.

Remember, the Nazis did exactly this in the 1930’s when they forcibly took control of Germany. A putsch – a quick and dirty overthrow of a government that tends to be used most often for places that don’t experience a lot of these.

The Democrat Party ByLaws and Standing Rules are designed to provide structure and instructions on what to do, but do you think they would be consulted? Not in this case – a relative handful of moneyed donors have decided who the nominee will be, your vote be damned.

Remember, 15 million people believed their vote would count. It didn’t. Now a marginally legal putsch has installed a failed socialist as their party’s standard bearer.

History will not remember this moment fondly.

The Democrats who scream the loudest about Trump being an existential threat to democracy demonstrated that THEY are the true threat, and have deprived millions of their vote, and are in the process of allowing millions of illegals and refugees to sway our elections.

Before we consider why the Democrats are propping up a hugely unpopular racist candidate, I think we ought to consider the facts:

  • As a presidential candidate in 2020, she finished dead last, with a handful of delegates, but only if that hand had no fingers (thank you, Bill Maher)
  • She lied openly and regularly about Biden’s cognitive competency, and pushed forth the Left’s propaganda about Biden’s abilities until he demonstrated on national television that not only was he clueless (little change in half a century), but was failing.

But you know you just have to believe her now.

Kamala Harris, the “Border Czar” that didn’t go to the border for months, and actually encouraged fentanyl and human trafficking across our southern border. Now she’s trying to claim that it “wasn’t her title.” In sports parlance, “Let’s go to the replay.”

In her brief stint as an extreme socialist senator, she was involved with 164 pieces of legislation – NONE OF WHICH PASSED – including:

  • A cease-fire plan in Gaza that would do nothing but help the Hamas terrorists.
  • Providing Non-Citizens with free health care, and the “right” to vote.
  • Six months of paid leave after childbirth for both parents, including illegals and refugees, paid for by none other than you and me, a.k.a, the taxpayers.
  • A Medicare for All scheme that was rich by even Bernie Sanders standards.
  • Free college education, paid for by hard-working men and women who had already paid for their formal or trade education.
  • Guaranteed income of $6,000 cash on top of welfare, housing assistance, and food stamps, paid for by taking it from our seniors.

These appear to me to be socialist policies, but they have been embraced by Harris and her Democrats.

The upcoming Democrat Convention will attempt to redefine her many failures and the failures of the Biden administration. I’ve written in the past about the weaponization of the “abbreviations” – DOJ, CIA, FBI, and courts all over this great land of ours – and questioned how much of a banana republic we have become.

I can’t believe this is the best the Democrats can do.

Unless there is an ulterior motive. There has been a lot of polling quietly occurring over the past few weeks, and maybe – just maybe – the “Democrat Elite” know something we don’t. Like she has no chance of winning? That an election where the choices are Socialism, or Freedom and the American way will decidedly move forward to protect our liberty?

Just remember, those who accuse the other side of being an “Existential threat to our Democracy” are likely guilty of the “crimes” they allege on others.

The choice this November cannot be more stark since there are two completely separate and incompatible ideologies. You can vote for the things that made this nation great, or you can vote against them.

I know my children and grandchildren can’t afford another four years of the debacle that has brought us record inflation and high prices, and they should not have to endure the diminishing freedoms the Democrats have yoked them with through this administration.

You, therefore, have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For the passing of judgment on another, you condemn yourself because you, the judge, practice the very same things. – Romans 2:1