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Scam Alert Lady Asks: ‘Why Are Older Adults Targeted?’


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Romance scams, charity scams, tech support scams, grandparent scams – if you read the Scam Alert Lady’s erratic writings, you know these are some of the scam alerts you’ve seen.  There are so many more.   If there is a way to get our money or steal our personal information, scammers have thought about it and done it.

They have also thought about who to target.  According to the FBI, older adults are on the radar with scammers because they tend to be more trusting and polite.  (Although I think this is changing.)   Older adults may have more financial stability with savings, a steady income with retirement benefits, and probably good credit.

Older adults are less apt to report that they’ve been scammed.  They may be unaware of the process.  They may have tried and been frustrated by the process.  They may be apprehensive about losing their independence if families think they are unable to manage.  On-going scams such as romance scams, fill another void.  Loneliness, isolation, low self-esteem, and losses create the perfect environment for the scammer to con someone.  Remember – scammers have no conscience.  They don’t care who you are.  You represent $$$$$.

The FBI also says that older adults add up more than $3 billion in losses annually.

Scams are getting more sophisticated and unfortunately, a lot of older adults are vulnerable to the technology.  It’s a new world with a new vocabulary and at a much faster pace.  The 7.0 version is on the market by the time you upload the 6.0 version.  The older adult may still be struggling with 1.0. 

Many of the old ways are being replaced.  (What do you mean they don’t take cash at Acrisure?!)  “What’s in your wallet?” used to mean some cash, your driver’s license, and maybe the membership card to your social or civic group.  As the other ad says – “Not anymore!”  And now – holy cow!  Your Wallet is on your cell phone!   Then there’s the whole TV entertainment world:  cable, Netflix©, Hulu©, Amazon Prime©.  Do you remember the 1992 Springsteen song “57 Channels and Nothin’ On”?  Here again – “Not anymore!” 

The isolation factors cannot be ignored.  Many older adults are widowed, divorced, or single.  This status puts a lot of people in a social bubble.  Many older adults are retired.  There goes that social outlet.  Is transportation an issue?  The person may not be able to get to a grocery store!  Check on the older adults in your life.  Make sure they feel comfortable talking to you.

Meanwhile, here are some tips to share:

  • Don’t share personal information.
  • If you don’t know the number, don’t answer the call.
  • Don’t feel pressured to act quickly.
  • Be very cautious of requests on social media from those you don’t know. 
  • Be careful what you download.
  • Make sure your virus protection is current.
  • Consult someone you trust.
  • Have a 7 year old on retainer to help with technology issues.

Stay safe.

The Scam Alert Lady

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