CHARLESTON – Senate President Randy Smith, R-Preston, today announced leadership for all remaining Senate committees for the 2025 Regular Session.
For the 87th Legislature, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee will be split into two separate committees. In addition, Senate President Smith has authorized the creation of the Select Committee on Substance Abuse and Mental Health.
“Our Senate committees focus on issues that touch the lives of every West Virginian,” Senate President Smith said. “I am lucky to have such a variety of members with vast experiences willing to step up and assume these roles, and I look forward to getting our hard work started.”
Committee leadership is as follows:
Energy, Industry and Mining
Chairman – Senator Chris Rose, R-Monongalia
Vice-Chairman – Senate Ben Queen, R-Harrison
Economic Development
Chairman – Senator Glenn Jeffries, R-Putnam
Vice-Chairman – Senator Robbie Morris, R-Randolph
Banking and Insurance
Chairman – Senator Mike Azinger, R-Wood
Vice-Chairman – Senator Robbie Morris, R-Randolph
Chairman – Senator Ryan Weld, R-Brooke
Vice-Chairman – Senator Scott Fuller, R-Wayne
Chairman – Senator Mike Oliverio, R-Monongalia
Chairman – Senator Craig Hart, R-Mingo
Vice-Chairman – Senator Darren Thorne, R-Hampshire
Natural Resources
Chairman – Senator Bill Hamilton, R-Upshur
Vice-Chairman – Senator Vince Deeds, R-Greenbrier
Chairman – Senator Rollan Roberts, R-Raleigh
Vice-Chairman – Senator Jack David Woodrum, R-Summers
Chairman – Senator Donna Boley, R-Pleasants
Vice-Chairman – Senator Laura Wakim Chapman, R-Ohio
Enrolled Bills
Chairman – Senator Jack David Woodrum, R-Summers
Vice-Chairman – Senator Scott Fuller, R-Wayne
Chairman – Senator Randy Smith, R-Preston
Vice-Chairman – Senator Patrick Martin, R-Lewis
Select Committee on Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Chairman – Senator Brian Helton, R-Fayette
Vice-Chairman – Senator Ryan Weld, R-Brooke