Ever year the generosity and holiday spirit of the folks in the Ohio Valley is talked about, and every year the residents come up big with donations.
Belmont County is no exception, and the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office is once again counting on the goodwill of the county residents to help support the BCSO’s annual Shop With a Deputy Program.

Last year the program had to be modified a bit because of the pandemic. Deputies and correctional officers still were on-site at the St. Clairsville Walmart but were masked up and unable to go around with the kids to do their shopping.
But 65 children were given $100 to get in some last-minute holiday shopping they may not have been able to otherwise.
The number of children helped varies each year, depending on the money raised and how many kids sign up for the program.
“Whatever money we take in is how much we can provide to help,” said Kitty Paboucek, fiscal officer for the BCSO. “Last year we helped 65 and, because of COVID, we couldn’t shop with them. We had to use gift cards. The year before we had 40-some kids, and each kid had a deputy or corrections officer go around with them.”
The deputies and corrections officers will again be assisting with the shopping this year, which always turns into a good time for the kids and the officers. There’s never an issue with finding enough officers to go around.
Paboucek noted that for children to participate, a parent or guardian need only call up the sheriff’s office to place their child or children on the list. Once the donations are counted, the BCSO will call to let people know where and when it will take place.

Helping Out
She also noted that there’s always been enough money raised to meet the demand and, in the rare instance that wasn’t the case, the employees have banded together to ensure no one was left out.
It’s a great way to give back and a great way for kids and deputies/corrections officers to get to know one another. It’s not an opportunity many get to have.
“It’s great for the relationship between law enforcement and our youth,” Paboucek said. “It’s something needed. The kids get to see the cops and get to meet them and get to know them.”
Given last year’s totals of the number of kids helped, the program took in $6,500 in donations. Anyone looking to make a donation can send it in to the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office, Shop With a Deputy, 68137 Hammond Road., St. Clairsville, 43950. Or you can stop by the sheriff’s office to drop off your donation.
You can be certain it will be put to good use and help put a smile on a kid’s face this upcoming holiday season, proving once again, that Ohio Valley residents will go the extra mile for their fellow citizens in need.