In order to archive the LEDE News podcasts, the publishers have established a “Steve Novotney Lives” channel on YouTube.
Local listeners are able to subscribe to the channel, or they can continue finding the segments under the “Podcast” section on the home page of the digital media Website.
“The first show received a terrific reaction and honestly, it was very humbling to read all of the comments left by those listening,” Novotney said. “I admit it; I was nervous because it had been months since I did any sort of broadcast, but it allowed me to remember how much I enjoy interacting with people during a live show.
“For the past six months, I really concentrated on the journalism that LEDE offers the readers every day, and it’s really paid off. That’s why we decided it was time to expand the site with a new platform,” he continued. “Right now, we’re going to do it three times a week, but I have already had people request that we do it each afternoon during the week. If we can, we will in the future, but right now it’s in the afternoons from 3-5 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.”
Eyes Wide Open
Three days and six hours of broadcast time is a much different live schedule from what Novotney has maintained during a career that has included five frequencies in the past 23 years. In fact, during a three-year stretch he covered four afternoon hours each weekday.
“I know most people think we just show up and start talking, and that’s fine because that means we sound very comfortable and unscripted. But those three years were difficult because of the amount of prep work I do every time,” he said. “But two hours three afternoons per week is going to be a lot of fun and will allow for me to continue writing articles that no other outlet offers.”
On those three days, Novotney plans to post a preview by noon for each show on the LEDE News Facebook page so local listeners will know what to expect during the two-hour broadcast. There will be, however, significant differences with “Steve Novotney Lives” and the prior programs he’s presented to the audience in the Upper Ohio Valley.
“The topics will be similar to what I have done on other radio stations because it remains very important to me to do what we can to help the Wheeling become a better place to live and work,” he explained. “But, without the limitations I’ve had to work under in the past, my guests and I will be able to cover topics that I couldn’t before, and I look forward to that part of it.
“One example would be politics. While I follow politics very closely, and I have my opinions about the issues, but I also am a big believer that anyone can develop solid ideas, and it really doesn’t matter to me what political party they belong to on any level of government,” Novotney said. “Another example about how the show will be different from before is that I hope the different guests will accept my invitation to be here or to call in. In fact, that begins tomorrow.”
The Process of Construction
Brick by brick, piece by piece.
“Steve Novotney Lives” only began this week because those involved felt it was ready to release.
The process, though, was far more difficult from what most people realize because of the equipment purchases and upgrades, the renovations to Novotney’s home office, and because of a collective insistence that it be of a quality the audience members would enjoy.
“But,” the host said, “we still have a lot of work to do. The podcast is going to grow in all respects with more camera angles, remote shows, call-ins, and whatever else technology will allow us to do. A lot of people watched and listened to the first show … more than 1,350 people … so that tells me there’s an appetite out there for what I love to do.
“It did take some time and I know that, but I feel we got off on the right foot because we were diligent. I can’t wait to see where the team takes it in the future,” Novotney said. “But tomorrow is a new show, and you know what they say. The proof is in the pudding.”