State of Emergency in W.Va.

In a live feed today, W. Va. Governor Jim Justice held a press briefing on the Coronavirus / COVID-019 response. He began, “Without alarming anyone, the seriousness continues to be real.” Governor Jim Justice has declared a State of Emergency in following with President Trump’s national declaration. West Virginia remains with no positive case yet.

Justice continued, “We have been blessed and sheltered but we should be concerned because we are an elderly state.” And “We are a very high-risk population.”

Justice assured that there will be plenty of food and supplies and that no one should be hoarding. It was his hope that residents will help the elderly and people in need. “We don’t need to make a mad rush on the grocery store,” explained Governor Justice

Stay Calm, Be Smart

“Stay calm, be smart, use great hygiene, take care of the people that are elderly that you can help.” He urged West Virginians to stay away from crowds. “Don’t go to events with an excess of 50 people.”

He also spoke to the amazing job that people are doing providing children that are home from school with meals. He reiterated that all schools would remain closed until at least March 27, 2020. The state is also working with utility companies to ensure no one has their utilities shut off.

Fairmont Regional Hospital will be up and running in about a month and run by WVU.

“Let’s err to the safe sides.” advised Justice.

Doctor Catherine C. Slemp with W.Va. DHHRT spoke to the amount of testing being done. There are approximately 500 tests available. Commercial testing is still trying to ramp up. They will be testing the seriously ill, not necessarily the ones that have had contact.

Restaurants and Bars to Stay Open.

“We’ve got to keep on someway living and doing what we’re doing.” He believes it is not yet necessary to close bars and restaurants. Again, using good hygiene and good judgment in those situations is urged. As of right now, those businesses will stay open but it is possible in the future that conditions may have to change.

“If at the end of the day the tsunami didn’t come as bog as everyone’s afraid that the tsunamis going to be, then I’d be real happy, explained Justice when asked about whether people are under or overpreparing.

Extracting Kits have been borrowed from flu testing kits to complete COVID-19 testing kits. This does not mean that there will be no flu tests. Dr. Slemp insisted that flu testing is a valuable tool in this epidemic.

“It (Coronavirus) is in WV probably somewhere right now. ..It’s here.” “Today in WV we have 84 people tested and 80 negatives and 4 pending,” assured Justice. He again urged people to go to the stores and restaurants but be cautious.

Preparedness and Emergency Declarations

The State of Emergency allows for purchasing and personnel issues to be addressed, according to Brian Abraham. “It gives the ability to waive certain rules and regulations.” It frees up the ability to order supplies and frees up W.Va. agencies to deal with the public in a common-sense manner.

Justice interjected that the State of Preparedness declared a few days ago allowed the state government to assist citizens with food and supplies.

Toward the end of the conference, it was brought to Governor Justice’s attention that President Trump has just asked the public to not congregate in groups of 10 or more people.

Justice asked that we “Be great West Virginians”, and take care of the community.

For more information about COVID-19 prevention and more, call the State’s toll-free hotline at 1-800-877-4304 or visit

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