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Statement from Bishop Mark Brennan on the Need for a Culture of Life


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A few weeks ago the Supreme Court of the United States, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health
Organization, overruled Roe v. Wade, clearing the way for Americans in their respective states to enact
legal protections for unborn human life. This week, in its extraordinary session, the West Virginia
Legislature has taken steps to consider legislation to end most abortions in the Mountain State.

I support the strongest possible protections for the unborn and I am grateful for the work of our
representatives in government in taking up this important issue this week. But the end of abortion will not
be the end of the journey, it will be a new beginning and an opportunity for all of us to work towards a
culture of life in our state.

That means working together to build a society and economy that supports marriages and families;
strengthening medical, economic and emotional supports for pregnant women and for West Virginia’s
children; addressing housing and food insecurity, improving protections for victims of domestic violence,
promoting paid maternity leave, and expanding the availability and affordability of childcare. So too must
we support adoption reforms, support adoptive families, and expand resources available to kinship
families. Embracing life, supporting families, and assisting those among us that are most vulnerable is
how we will heal the cultural wounds of abortion.

I know that many West Virginians feel strongly about this issue and that this week’s discussions in the
Legislature are not going to change hearts and minds overnight, but despite the controversy, this moment
presents an opportunity for all of us to reflect on the love of God for each human life from the instant of
his or her conception. We have been presented with an opportunity to begin to heal from the scars
of Roe and a chance to work together to foster a culture of life in West Virginia.

Mark E. Brennan

Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston

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