Guests: Erik Marple, Josh Contraguerro, Bill Helms

Erik Marple is set to sit down with me at the beginning of the show to discuss several topics, including the FAKE NEWS article we released last night about a ghost that was captured at Roney’s Point.

Josh Contraguerro from Panhandle Cleaning and Restoration will join me to discuss the recent announcement that the company is expanding into the state of Florida.

Bill Helms, the new sheriff of Marshall County, will give me a call to discuss recent criminal activity in the county, and we’ll also talk about the case about the human remains that were discovered near Fish Creek back in 1991. In fact, the folks who found the bones do not believe the remains are from Native Americans.

“Steve Novotney Lives!” – 3-5 p.m. on Facebook Live (go to LEDE News Facebook page) and