Storch: It Is a Good Time to Count Our Blessings


As the weather gets colder and darker, forcing us to be inside, and the year draws to a close, it is a natural moment to reflect on what’s truly important.

Each year-end can stir feelings of gratitude. While it can be easy to get caught up in all the various things that cause stress day-to-day, taking a moment to pause and count our blessings can bring clarity and peace.

One way to begin is to look at the little things we might often overlook. A roof over our heads, the warmth of a home on a chilly day, or a warm meal with family can all seem ordinary but are, in reality, remarkable blessings. Many people around the world are not able to enjoy these comforts. Recognizing this outlook can transform our view of what we consider “small” in our lives. Shifting our thoughts can help us appreciate the many blessings.

Another area for gratitude might be the people around us. Whether it be family, friends, or neighbors, each of these people play a role in our lives, supporting us through good and difficult times. We often assume our loved ones will always be there, yet relationships are some of life’s greatest treasures, which deserve recognition and appreciation. This season is an ideal time to reach out to people who have made a difference, thanking them for their presence.

I am thankful for all the people in my life, whether they are friends, family, or strangers. I am thankful for you. You make me a better person. You challenge me to do better and to be a better human. Thank you!

Further, there is an excitement this week. In our home, we will embrace the formerly familiar chaos that led to the multiple pairs of shoes by the doors and young people sleeping on couches in all the rooms. It has been an adjustment to go from a full house to an empty nest. I, for one, am thrilled to have the return of the chaos. My mom-heart is happiest when all the people who are supposed to be here are sleeping in their beds. We have been blessed with happy, healthy, successful children who all surround themselves with great friends.

Health is another blessing that can easily be taken for granted until one has been reminded of its fragility. If one is lucky enough to be able to go about our day without pain or illness, it is something for which to be thankful. Over the years, while a generally healthy person, I am increasingly aware of the fragility of life. It is something I am thankful for, daily. Even if we face health challenges, recognizing the strength we draw on to confront them can be a source of gratitude.

Reflecting on our blessings is more than a seasonal, one time a year exercise. It is a practice with benefits that can improve our well-being. I have seen some studies suggesting that gratitude can improve mental health, reduce feelings of stress, and increase our resilience. It shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have, offering a powerful change in perspective that brings joy and fulfillment. An attitude of gratitude is what I strive to achieve.

In this season, counting blessings can serve as a gentle reminder to value what is present in our lives.