Tag: BrookeCounty

Eleventh-Hour Emergency

Public education must continue, but how?

True or False? Police Quotas?

It's a very popular belief in the Upper Ohio Valley.

Doug Giffin – Unopposed for a Reason

He's a union man and very proud of it.


There is a most unfair double standard in place today.


Our "normal" is not the "new normal," now is it?

The Bermuda Triangle of #BlackLivesMatter – Part 2

It has improved, but the real problem still exists.

Home Cooking with Jess – Cauliflower Salad

This recipe just might be one you will wish to try.

Bob Gaudio – Payback Is Not Important

He is a giver not looking to be a taker.

Still Essential

Essential is essential but is economic equality?

OV Heat Wave Record Predicted

Oh, it's hot. And it's going to stay that way.

Poorly Essential

Is it fair, or is it survival of the fittest?

The Bermuda Triangle of #BlackLivesMatter – Part 1

It's not a cursed life, but it sure can be difficult at times.

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