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Tag: ElmGrove

I-70 EastBound in Elm Grove Restricted Today for Inspection

The work started early this morning and extend through the afternoon.

Andrew Hollis: Always Wheelin’ Around His Favorite New Town

He's moved into the city and made a positive difference.

Elm Grove Business Association Presents the 2024 Elm Grove Fall Fest

The event is scheduled for the final Saturday of the month.

City of Wheeling Showing ‘Field fo Dreams’ This Friday at Patterson Field in Elm Grove

A free movie night featuring Field of Dreams will be shown on Friday, Aug. 23. at Elm Grove’s Patterson Field. The movie, rated PG, will begin...

‘Field of Dreams’ Showing Postponed Until August 23rd

This evening's weather is expected to be rainy in the Wheeling area.

Elm Grove Civics Opening Concession Stand Friday for City’s Free ‘Field of Dreams’ Showing

If they cook it, people will eat it? That's what the membership of the Elm Grove Civics is hoping for this Friday evening when the...

US 40 Sign Maintenance in Elm Grove to Alter Traffic Patterns This Evening

A portion of US 40, westbound, in Elm Grove, near milepost 7.0, under the Interstate 70 overpass, will have rolling roadblocks, beginning after 7:00...

WPD Re-Organizes Patrol Districts, Promotes Commanders

The announcement was made earlier today.

Traffic Information for Weekend Half-Marathon Events in Wheeling

The activities take place during the Memorial Day weekend.

An OPEN LETTER to … Dr. Kim Miller, Ohio County Schools …

Another academic year is quickly coming to a close in the Upper Ohio Valley.

New Location, More Parking for Groovin’ in the Grove this Weekend

The event is set for this Saturday in the Elm Grove area.

Novotney: Make Wheeling’s Trails Safe Again … Please

Now that the weather is warming, safety along Heritage Trail is paramount.

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