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Tag: HeritageMusicBluesFest

The talented young artists of Bridgeport High School have their work on display in the Ohio Valley Mall’s central court and will be featured through Sunday March 30 alongside with the best artwork of Belmont County’s...
A major fundraiser for the Museums of Oglebay Institute and sponsored by Panhandle Cleaning & Restoration, the antiques show supports local history, its preservation and educational programs.

How Does Bruce Wheeler Recreate A BluesFest Lineup Each Summer?

The event began in downtown Wheeling in 2001.

Winter BluesFest Set for McLure House this Weekend

The festival is scheduled to begin this Friday at 5 p.m.

Wheeler Wondering About the Winter Blues

After 20 years of successful shows, expansion could be part of the plan.

Wheeler Was Right to Believe in BluesFest

The event is scheduled for this weekend at Heritage Port.

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