Tag: ohiocountyschools

Wheeling Park Football and Covid-19

As the school year prepares to get under way, coaches are figuring out how to proceed.

Southwestern Energy Helps Protect Ohio County Schools Students

Safety is first when it comes to re-entering public schools.

OCS Employees Stepped Up for Students

Ohio County Schools cook Cheryl Fisher said she is happy to do it for the students.  It was exceptionally hot on Wednesday, and she was...

Holding Out for a Real Hero

The power of the people is often discounted ... by the people.

#LetThem Play Movement Provokes Change

Off one day, on today ... but what about tomorrow?

Neglecting to Understand Poverty

If everyone in the country realized the truth?

New Educators Welcomed

A new class of educators were welcomed to Ohio County Schools on Wednesday.  The Ohio County Schools Teacher Induction Program (TIP) began Wednesday at the...

Majority of Wheeling Park Faculty Senate Members Vote to Return to Class

Nearly 80 percent of Wheeling Park High School Faculty Senate members voted Monday to return to the classroom in some form, according to information...

Ohio County Schools Student Profile – Wheeling Park High School’s Kyra Ricker

When a passion is followed, special things usually take place.

In-Class Instruction, Perhaps, But Sports?

There are many unknowns about the beginning of the coming school year .

Band Aids Won’t Stop Bleeding

COVID-19 has exposed a lot of problems with public education.

The Agenda – OCS Board Meeting

Here's what is on tap for this evening.

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