Tag: Poverty

Snapped Back

There are long-term effects involved with poverty.

The Morals of the Stories

Some social issues should not be a matter of politics.

Dear Working Class

A column about the possible impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What Are We Waiting For?

An opinion column suggesting before unite to provoke change.

I Know a Secret

One of the most common questions I used to be asked was "where do you find poor people?"

Let’s Shutter Poverty Porn Industry

Poverty porn, to me, is when media outlets come in here looking to exploit our stories by choosing to focus on the most abject circumstances.

Living Off the System

Most people are unaware that $21,720 is the poverty line for a family of three.

Economic Justice for All

According to W.Va. Center on Budget and Policy last year, 23 percent of West Virginians were working low wage jobs with a quarter of those workers living in poverty. We should be able to work full-time and afford to live, period. An Earned Income Tax Credit at the state level would be extremely helpful to those workers and to our economy.

A Fowl Sixty

Having "just enough" can look a lot of ways. Maybe it's "just enough" gas to get to work. Or "just enough" food to get you through until the next payday. Maybe it's "just enough" to get by after keeping your utilities on.

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