Tag: povertystigma

Unfortunately, there are no artifacts of the facility.
The 'ride' was for fun and for transportation.

4,000 Reasons Why in the American Society

Excuses exist for everything as far as some critics are concerned.

A Classy Education

Perception is not always another person's reality.

I’m Turning Up The Heat

The winter brings challenges to those living in poverty.

Dude, It’s Just a Penny

Traveling on a budget can be very stressful.

Nuns on the Bus

Stories about poverty are far to common in the United States.

Snapped Back

There are long-term effects involved with poverty.

The Morals of the Stories

Some social issues should not be a matter of politics.

I Know a Secret

One of the most common questions I used to be asked was "where do you find poor people?"

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