Tag: RoadstoProsperity

Unfortunately, there are no artifacts of the facility.
The 'ride' was for fun and for transportation.

Downtown Wheeling Eastbound Exit Ramp Soon to Close

The closure will change detour routes within the city of Wheeling.

Completion Dates for I-70 Bridge Projects Remain Unknown

The Interstate 70 project is now 18 months in the making.

Howard: ‘We’re Going to Have Some Major Pains’

Phase 1 deadlines were met, and now welcome to Phase 2.

An OPEN LETTER to … Local Motorists

The work is scheduled to be complete by the end of November.

Tops of 2020 – Interstate 70

To this point, the Interstate 70 project has been a pleasant surprise.

Progress Yes, but On Schedule?

It is an amazing process to observe.

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