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Tag: ScamAlertLady

The former West Liberty coach hopes to play his former university in the D-II title game.
St. Clairsville’s City Council has a vacancy for the Council-At-Large position. It is seeking applicants who have been a resident of the City for at least two years and a registered voter. Interested qualified residents should...

Scam Alert Lady Says: ‘Be Careful with Junk Texts, Emails, and Snail Mail’

It never stops because scammers scam to make a living.

Scam Alter Lady Says: ‘Convenience Can Lead to Theft’

QR codes are everywhere.  Invented in 1954 to label auto parts, QR codes now have a much broader application.  They are used for commercial...

Scam Alert Lady Says: ‘I Resolve to be Scam Aware’

We make resolutions to lose weight.  We resolve to be more conscientious with our spending.  We put “a new job” at the top of...

Scam Alert Lady Says, ‘Great Gugledmoogledy!! I’m Rich!!”

My mind went wild.  I didn’t have visions of sugar plums but I did see a beach home, a mountain retreat that would offer...

Scam Alert Lady Says: ‘Think Before You Click!’

The fire is crackling.  You have on your reindeer jammies and fuzzy slippers and you’re sipping on your favorite beverage.  Holiday carols are playing...

Scam Alert Lady Says: ‘Don’t Let Scammers Steal Your Holiday Joy!’

I was watching “Matlock” the other night.  I’d settled in, remote control in hand, ready to zip through the commercials.  (Aren’t DVRs wonderful?)  Before...

Scam Alert Lady Says: Check ‘Washing’ and ‘Cooking’ the Newest Scams

Scammers never stop scamming people in the United States.

Scam Alert Lady Says: ‘Expect Summertime Scams in August’

No matter what season it may herein the valley region, scammers always are trying to harm.

Scam Alert Lady Says: ‘Don’t Worry About Being Polite’

Hang up on people trying to hurt you.

Scam Alert Lady Says – ‘AI Faking Out People More than Ever’

The probability of encountering a scam related to AI grows daily.

Scam Alert Lady Says: ‘If It Sounds Too Good to Be True …”

This is the worst time of year for scam artists.

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