Tag: Scams

It’s a BIG Barrel of Fish

Are you on Medicare?  If so, you are in the company of millions of beneficiaries - about 61.2 million in 2019.    Do you realize...

Stop It! Stop It! Stop It!

Complaints have continued to flow into the FBI concerning cryptocurrency.

Scams 101: The Terminology

Here are some terms that you may hear, and being familiar with the terms will give you some tools for your Scam Protection Tool Kit.

Catfishing – Big Business and Not Romance

The practice takes place far more frequently than most folks realize.

Scam, Scam, Everywhere a Scam

Those who did not grow up with the internet are today's most vulnerable.

Who Is Going to Get Scammed?

The majority of scams now taking place are located online.

Scams and the Red Flags

There are tricks of the trade when it comes to scammers.

Covid Scams Rise as Vaccine Is Rolled Out

There are many scams connected to the pandemic.

COVID-19 Vaccine Poses Scam Threats

Never ever offer your personal information to someone you do not know.

‘Tis the Scam Season

Bad people try to take advantage of our good nature during the holidays.

Scammers Love Isolation

Scammers do not take days off.

Hustles Connected to Contact Tracing

Bad people will use any excuse to abuse.

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