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Tag: UnitedStates

It was a dream come true for a teenagers in the 1980s.
The Nailers return to downtown Wheeling this weekend.

Santorine: Who Really Is the Threat to Democracy?

Now that the POTUS no longer is running for re-lection, a new dialogue has begun from both sides of the debate.

Storch: We All Need a Little Grace and Kindness

Once upon a time ago, politics was all about compromise.

Novotney: Biden Should Pull Out and People Should Be Kind

The general election is scheduled for November 5th.

Hanna’s Musings: Speechless

The retired journalism professor reflects on the news from the past week.

Scamming American Veterans on the Rise

The rate of these crimes has increased in the past few years.

This Stuff Is Taxing

Delays have hampered the IRS this year.

An OPEN LETTER to … President-Elect Joe Biden

The inauguration is scheduled to begin at Noon on Wednesday.

An OPEN LETTER to … President Donald J. Trump …

Mr. President: You are about to become the only president in United States history to be impeached twice by the House of Representatives, and this...

I’m Stepping Away for a Minute

The pandemic is wearing on us all.

An OPEN LETTER to … Our Fellow Americans

At this crossroads, what direction will Americans take?

Sick from Hypocrisy

But the American people hold all the power.

You’ve Gotta Have Heart

A legend has passed away and the process to replace her has started.

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