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Tag: WheelingChamber

Property tax collections in West Virginia aid counties funding important local services such as schools, law enforcement, and other essential government services.
The program is designed to offer students with specific needs the opportunity to experience frequent on-the-job training with community-based work exploration prior to graduation.

Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce Welcoming LIVE2LEAD Next Week

Leadership panels will be involved, as well.

Wheeling Area Chamber’s Non-Profit Day Set for February 13th at The Highlands

Visit the Wheeling Chambers website for more information.

Leadership Wheeling Announces the Class of 2024

The initiative concerns living about the history of Wheeling and the state of West Virginia.

Chamber of Commerce Accepting Applications for Leadership Wheeling

The program is scheduled to begin in mid January.

An OPEN LETTER to … Bill Bryson from the Wheeling Christmas Parade …

We have a suggestion for next year’s parade.

Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce to Co-Host 2023 Economic Outlook Conference

The event will take place later this month.

Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce to Host 2023 Lunch with Leaders

This year's guest is U.S. Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV).

Wheeling Chamber Ribbon Cuttings Set for First Week of June

The events celebrate economic development in the valley region.

Wheeling Chambers Sets Athena Leadership Event for June 9

The presentations will take place in Wheeling.

Wheeling Chamber to Award ATHENA Award June 9

The award’s rich history, international scope and emphasis on mentorship make this award unique and amongst the most prestigious leadership awards one can receive.

Conway: ‘I Reached a Point Where I Wanted a Normal Life’

She just celebrated her one-year anniversary with the Wheeling Chamber.

Wheeling Chamber Inviting Participants for Annual Home & Garden

The event is set for next month.

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