Tag: wheelingwv

The Struggles Have Been Real for Local Restaurants

What the future holds in completely unknown right now.

Wheeling and YSS Partner for Winter Freeze Shelter

This will be the first year for the partnership.

An OPEN LETTER to … Swank Construction Employees

The bridge projects along Interstate 70 have impressed local residents in the valley.

Main Street Bank Fantasy of Lights Parade Canceled

The governor's new restrictions led to the cancelation.

What’s Possible in the W.Va. High School Playoffs?

Predictions are predictions, and some of these games may not take place.

A Proper Thank You to American Veterans

Today should be a special day for all Americans.

The New Normal with Culinary Arts

There are challenges, but progress has been made.

Matt Welsch – Figuring Survival in Wheeling

A question and answer session with a struggling chef who owns a restaurant in Wheeling, W.Va.

WVNCC Holding Drive-Thru Registration

It's still possible to begin you college education.

An OPEN LETTER – New Wheeling Council

Potential is great to hear about, but groundbreakings are the proof of progress.

To Vote or Not to Vote

A column about voting for candidates that best represent us.

T. Rex Crashes Out of Smart Centre Market

You will see something new and possibly startling in Centre Market in Wheeling next time you visit. A rather large Tyrannosaurus Rex head crashing...

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