The Rachel & Steve Show – The Best Ever ‘Bird Set Free’


It was 7:30 p.m. this past Saturday, and Rachel was still competing. She had started in the morning – her first performance took place at 11:08 a.m. – and she was on the PrimeTime stage in Pittsburgh three more times before finishing her day of dance with “Bird Set Free.”

And she killed it. She absolutely killed it. Don’t tell Rachel, but it was the best “Bird Set Free” performance her mother had ever seen her do. I’m totally ignorant to the proper dance terminology, but she flipped and somersaulted and pirouetted and nailed all of her landings. It was impressive to say the least.

It was her facial reactions I noticed most, though, because Rachel’s confidence was obvious, and, most importantly, I saw her having fun. She reminded me of my daughter, Amanda, when she danced and cheered and sang while we traveled around for her to compete.

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“Novotney Now” is on from 3-6 p.m. Monday through Friday on River Talk Radio – 100.1 FM and AM1290 in the Wheeling area and 100.9 FM and AM1430 in Steubenville/Weirton.

And, as a parent, I miss those days. Amanda was in the “big leagues” as far as she was concerned, what with all the suitcases, garment bags, shuttles, restaurant meals, hotel-room pizza, and early-morning rushes out the door, and those trips made memories we still recall these days.

Not only will Rachel’s competition be a topic this afternoon, but we’ll also talk about the “snow day” that was proclaimed in a number of different school districts throughout the Upper Ohio Valley, and what schoolwork she’ll still have to complete despite the unofficial holiday.

Wait. A snow day? Today? After those flurries? I most definitely have a few questions about that, that’s for sure!

“Novotney Now” on River Talk Radio – 100.1 FM and AM1290 in the Wheeling area and 100.9 FM and AM1430 in Steubenville/Weirton.