Moundsville, WV – Marshall County Health Department received confirmation of 2 additional new positive
Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Marshall County. The first individual is a male in his 30’s who is
reporting mild symptoms. The second is a male in his 50’s who is reporting moderate symptoms. Marshall
County Health Department staff will be checking in with them daily for symptoms and temperatures.
This brings Marshall County to a total of 128 confirmed cases and 4 probable cases, 4 of which are in isolation
at home along with 2 hospitalized, 1 associated death and 125 whom have been released from isolation.
We continue to recommend to people to maintain social distancing and wearing of a facial covering in public
as directed by the Governor.
For more information contact the Marshall County Health Department at 304-845-7840 or visit our Facebook
page at Marshall County Health Department – WV.