West Liberty University 2022 Retirees Say Bittersweet Goodbye

Two people posing.
Several folks are retiring this year from WLU, including Brenda King and Scott Cook.

West Liberty University bids farewell to 11 employees as they retire from university employment this summer. The longest-serving employee retiring in 2022 is Executive Director of Admissions Brenda King with 41 years of service to her credit.

“As the end of our fiscal year approaches, it is always bittersweet to say goodbye to dedicated colleagues who serve the WLU mission and campus community so well. We wish them all the best in retirement and thank them for their years of service,” said Diana Harto, WLU’s Chief Human Resources Officer

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Retirees, titles and month of retirement include:

  •  Jim Best, Trades Specialist in Physical Plant, began employment at WLU in 2007, and is retiring July 2022.
  • Don Clegg, Sports Information Director, began full-time employment in 2017, and is retiring in June 2022.
  • Scott Cook, Vice President of Student Affairs, began at WLU in 1990, and is retiring July 2022.
  • Harold Ellifritt, Instructor for Professional Studies, began in 2011 as adjunct in the School of Professional Studies at the Highlands Center, and is retiring in June.
  • Pat Garrett, Assistant Professor Music & Theater in the College of Liberal and Creative Arts, began in 2012 and retired in January 2022.
  • Brenda King, Executive Director of Admissions, began on July 1, 1981 and retired on June 30.
  • Rhonda McCullough, Clinical Administrative Assistant in the College of Sciences, began in 1989 as an admissions counselor, and is retiring in July 2022.
  • Sherri Mason, Business Analyst, began in 1988 in the Business Office, and is retiring in April 2022.
  • Dr. Tom Michaud, Professor of Philosophy, began in 2009 as Dean of the School of Professional Studies, and is retiring from the Gary E. West College of Business in June 2022.
  • Dr. Peter Staffel, Professor of English in the College of Liberal and Creative Arts, began in 2002 and retired in May 2022.
  • Michele Sweeney, Professor of Dental Hygiene in the College of Sciences, began in 1999 and retired in May 2022.

Established in 1837, West Liberty University is West Virginia’s first public institution of higher learning and offers more than 70 undergraduate majors, plus a growing number of graduate programs, both online and on campus. WLU employs both staff and faculty members through its Office of Human Resources, located on the third floor of Shaw Hall. For more information on WLU employment, please visit westliberty.edu/human-resources or call 304-336-8238.