Only the Ladder 1 crew remained on Wheeling Island today at the site of a massive fire that destroyed the former Exposition Hall.
The building, once home of the Wheeling Island Roller Rink, appears to be completely destroyed. According to Carrie Scanlon from Wheeling Island Hotel-Casino-Racetrack, fire investigators need to complete their investigation before a decision will be made concerning the remnants of the 1924 structure.
Philip Stahl, the public information officer for Wheeling’s police and fire departments, released this statement early this afternoon:
Wheeling firefighters spent hours New Year’s Eve extinguishing a massive second alarm fire on the southern end Wheeling Island.
Shortly after the first 911 call was made around 6:10 p.m., flames were visible from the roof and the fire could be seen miles away. The building, an old Exposition Hall and indoor skating rink, was not occupied and was being used for storage. No one was injured.
When firefighters arrived on scene, the entire roof of the building was engulfed in fire and later collapsed. Firefighters were able to suppress most of the fire in about three hours and continued to extinguish hot spots overnight.
Cumberland Trail Fire Department assisted WFD by answering other fire or emergency related calls in the city.
Fire investigators will continue looking into a cause, which has not yet been determined.
The following photos are of what remains today of the historic building.