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Wheeling Defines Rules for 2020 Urban Deer Hunt


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In accordance with the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR) regulations, the City of Wheeling is pleased to announce the 2020 Urban Deer Hunt. 

Per regulations promulgated by the DNR, the Urban Deer Hunt will begin on Saturday, Sept. 5 and continue through Thursday, Dec. 31.  There will also be a special Urban Deer Hunting Season beginning Monday, Jan. 11, 2021 continuing through Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021.  In order to participate in the January special season, a hunter must present their 2021 West Virginia Hunting License.

Hunting in the city limits is by permit only. Hunters must register annually with the City of Wheeling, obtain a card certifying that they are eligible to hunt in the City and obtain a copy of the rules and regulations. Due to COVID-19 concerns, there will be no in person sign up for the 2020-2021 season. A hunter may email or mail via the USPS a copy of their license and IBEP card to the attention of the City Manager at 1500 Chapline St., Wheeling, W.Va. Copies may also be delivered to the same address and placed in the dropbox marked for Building Codes located at the main entrance of the building. All hunting materials will be returned to the hunter via email or the USPS. The City will waive the $5 administrative fee for the 2020-2021 hunting season.

During this Urban Deer Hunting Season, seven deer may be taken within the corporate limits of the City of Wheeling which shall not apply against the

hunter’s regular archery deer season bag limit under Section 58-45-1 of the West Virginia Code.  If a hunter harvests a deer during the special January season, the deer harvested will count towards their 2021 Urban Deer Hunt bag limit of seven deer.  West Virginia Code further requires that the first deer harvested must be antlerless and there can be no more than two antlered deer taken during the Urban Deer Hunt. 

The detailed list of rules and regulations for the 2020 City of Wheeling Urban Deer Hunt are available by contacting the City Manager’s office at

304-234-3617 or on the City’s website at

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