The Wheeling Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)—to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 9-15, 2022. This year’s FPW campaign, “Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape” works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe from home fires.
The Wheeling Fire Department’s Bureau of Fire Prevention encourages all residents to embrace the 2022 Fire Prevention Week theme.
“Being prepared is the best preventative measure you can take to ensure you and those inside your house can be ready to escape should a fire occur,” Assistant Fire Chief Deric Jamison said. “Fires occur quickly – you don’t have time to think – always have two ways out just in case your primary exit is blocked with fire or an object. Fire doesn’t wait – it’s fast – so get out and stay out.”
The Wheeling Fire Department wants to share these key home fire escape planning tips:
- Smoke alarms should be installed inside every sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of your home. Smoke alarms should be interconnected so when one sounds, they all sound.
- Make sure your escape plan meets the needs of all your family members, including those with sensory or physical disabilities.
- Know at least two ways out of every room, if possible. Make sure all doors and windows open easily.
- Have an outside meeting place a safe distance from your home where everyone should meet.
- Practice home fire drills at least twice a year with everyone in the household, especially children. Practice at least once during the day and at night.
As part of the week’s educational campaign – WFD will have informational tables set up throughout the week at the Mount DeChantal Kroger, Warwood Kroger, Elm Grove Riesbeck’s and the Centre Market house.
National Fire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the “Great Chicago Fire” of Oct. 8-10, 1871, which killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed more than 17,400 structures, and burned more than 2,000 acres.
WFD also reminds everyone to change the batteries in their smoke alarms twice a year – most notably on the ‘Fall Back’ and ‘Spring Forward’ clock changes. This year’s ‘Fall Back’ date is Sunday, Nov. 7.
For more information on Fire Prevention Week, visit fpw.org.