Winter BluesFest Set for McLure House this Weekend

Wait a minute. It’s not August.

How can there be a big blues show scheduled to take place in Wheeling if it’s not August?

Easy answer. Bruce Wheeler, co-founder of the Heritage Music BluesFest has joined Roxby Development to present the Heritage Music Winter Blues Weekend beginning this Friday at 5 p.m. in the McLure House Ballroom in downtown Wheeling. A second concert will take place Saturday beginning at 1 p.m., and the event will finish Sunday at 11:30 a.m. with a southern style brunch and acoustic performances by Austin Walkin Cane, Charlie Barath, and Izzy Stetar.

“The Winter Blues weekend was initially scheduled for the second weekend in February, but because of the high virus numbers we had here in Ohio County at the end of January we thought it would be best to postpone until we knew it would be a much safer environment,” Wheeler explained. “And the number of positive cases really did decline toward the end of February and this month, so we’re feeling good about the event this weekend.

“PCR testing will be offered by Roxby Labs, and that test is free to anyone who wants one because the state picks up the tab, but the rapid tests that we’ll have for sale are $20 apiece,” he said. “Testing is not mandatory but will be offered in case someone is not feeling well and wants the peace of mind of knowing. The PCR test will take a little more time than the rapid, but the PCR is the best test to take. But it’s totally up to our guests.”

The lineup Wheeler compiled is an impressive one, and the Friday night lineup includes Eric Gales, whose most recent album soared to the top of Billboard’s blues charts.

An image with musicians.

Friday, March 18 – 5 p.m.–2 a.m.

Joanna Conner 
Ally Venable
Vanessa Collier
Eric Gales
Late Night with Billy Price

An image for the event.

Saturday, March 19 – 1 p.m.-2 a.m.

Miss Freddye
Ben Prestage
Kara Grainger
Tony Holiday
Albert Castiglia
Victor Wainright and the Train
Late Night with Billy the Kid

“It’s a great lineup, and I only had to get two new acts because of postponing by a little more than a month, so I am very happy about that,” Wheeler said. “I know a lot of the people who travel to Wheeling for the August Blues weekend have been very impressed with our list of performers, and a lot of them are coming back for this weekend at the McLure.

“We do still have room for more people who want to go to the shows, but the hotel is full. I have recommended to people who have contacted me the Hampton Inn on National Road because it’s a nice place, and they have a shuttle that will bring you to the McLure, and pick you up and take you back,” he said. “It’s a short trip and the best thing you can do if you plan to have a few drinks during the shows.”

A photo of a sandwich.
There will be two food stations during both days of the Winter Blues that will future southern-style cuisine prepared by Roxby’s Chef Adam Luiso.

Food and Drink

Chef Adam Luiso, the executive chef for Roxby, will prepare not only the Sunday brunch but also several items that will be available at a pair of food stations in the ballroom Friday and Saturday. 

“There will be a little bit of everything that folks can choose from,” he said. “We thought it was best if we kept it traditional southern cuisine because that is what is part of the heritage of the blues. So, we’ll have pulled pork with a nice barbecue sauce, several southern side dishes, and a Gumbo with rice and corn bread.

“I’m really looking forward to the weekend because I love preparing these kinds of dishes,” Luiso said. “And the ballroom is going to be set up in a way that is going to be very convenient for those wishing to eat, or to get something to drink during the performances. We have discussed this weekend on several occasions and to me, it just keeps sounding better and better.”ii

Wheeler described the configuration as a “nightclub setting” that will allow an intimate atmosphere for the guests.

“Although the McLure’s ballroom is a pretty large area, the way the stage, the tables, the bars, and food stations will be arranged will let the fans get closer to the performances than what they are during the Heritage BluesFest in August. I really believe people are going to love it,” he said. “In the past, I have had Blues nights at River City with a similar setting, and I know that has always been accepted very well.”

A photo of a hotel.
The McLure House is located on the corner of 12th and Market streets in downtown Wheeling.

A Second Stage

The McLure House Bar and Grill opened last week with full drink and food menus in place, and the establishment will offer additional entertainment during the Winter Blues Weekend, as well.

This Friday evening local performer Adrian Niles will be on the McLure stage from 10 p.m.-1 a.m., and on Saturday Walkin Cane and Stetar will entertain during the same hours.

“And the shows in the bar and grill are free and open to the public,” Wheeler said. “These three (performers) have been involved with blues music or several years now, so I am sure the patrons will really enjoy the shows. Plus, the bar is set up for entertainment to be on that stage, so I’m sure it’s going to be a terrific atmosphere.

“We are looking forward to a great blues weekend at the McLure, and after that we’ll get ready for the Heritage Music BluesFest that is scheduled for the weekend of August 12 at Heritage Port,” he added. “

Tickets remain available for this weekend with a pass for all three days priced at $110. For Friday only, the cost is $50 per person, and the Saturday ticket is $60. If someone wishes to attend the Sunday brunch only, they can for only $40.

The Winter Blues Weekend is presented by Roxby Development, and sponsors included the Blues Foundation, the Ohio County Commission, Jividen Law Offices, and the Wheeling Convention and Visitors Bureau.  

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