West Liberty University Fencing Club reports a successful summer of activity that included tournament action.

“The Fencing Club has remained active during the summer with regular practices and participation in the Society for Creative Anachronism tournament season,” explained Dr. Shannon Halicki, club moderator, who resides in Wheeling. Halicki also serves as the dean of WLU’s Honors College and is an associate professor of Foreign Languages. 

The Fencing Club started the sport last September. The club practices historical rapier, longsword, and other weapons in affiliation with the Society for Creative Anachronism (sca.org), following SCA combat rules. 

“We haven’t been active long but we’ve worked hard, and are competing against far more experienced fencers. In the Queen’s Rapier Championship, held on July 16, WLU Fencing Club member Nathaniel Coursin placed in the final eight,” she said.

In addition, here are some highlights from the Pennsic Historic Fencing Tournament Series (pennsicwar.org), held in Slippery Rock, Pa. the club was able to earn several notable placements.

In the Novice Tourney (out of 56 competitors):

  • WLU Fencing Club Vice President Robert Weiss placed 4th
  • WLU Fencing Club President Loyd Butcher placed 6th
  • WLU Fencing Club member Jaxxie Marcum placed 12th

In the Pennsic Rose (Elite) Tourney:

  • WLU’s Nathaniel Coursin placed in the top 40 percent of competitors. 

In the Ansteorra Tournament:

  • WLU’s Loyd Butcher placed in the top 30 percent of competitors.

The club mission is to practice historical fencing in a fun, safe, and encouraging environment.

Club practices are Monday and Thursday evenings at 6 p.m.

“All are welcome,” Halicki said. “We enjoy cheerfully stabbing our friends, classmates, and professors as a means of getting a workout and learning a martial art.”

Participants need certain protective gear and weapons to participate but some are available to help newcomers during practice. For those interested in the club, please email Dr. Halicki at shalicki@westliberty.edu.

The WLU Fencing Club is one of more than 50 clubs active at WLU, offering students a positive student experience and coordinated by the Office of Student Life under the direction of Kate Billings.

For more information or to enroll at WLU, please visit westliberty.edu/admissions or call 1.866.937.8542 (WESTLIB).