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WLU Presidential Candidates Visits Will Take Place during August


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West Liberty University’s Presidential Search Committee will introduce its two final candidates for president to the campus community during the next two weeks.

The Presidential Search process was delayed in March due to Gov. Jim Justice’s Stay at Home order.

“Because of the pandemic, our Presidential Search was delayed but we are now in a position to welcome the two final candidates to campus where they will meet with the entire search committee, as well as staff, students and faculty,” said Presidential Search Committee Chairman Rich Lucas, who also serves as chairman of the Board of Governor.

All meet-the-candidate gatherings will take place in Kelly Theater, which allows for social distancing spacing to be observed. Face masks also are required in buildings on campus. 

Candidate visits begin on Aug. 19 and 20 when Dr. Brian Crawford of Wheeling interviews.

Crawford is an internal candidate and has worked at WLU for more than 20 years in several capacities, including serving as acting president for three months in 2014. Currently the provost, Crawford is the former dean of the College of Liberal Arts.

Dr. Robert Colvin will visit campus on Aug. 24 and 25. A resident of Virginia, he has spent 21 years in higher education, both as a faculty member and administrator. He is vice provost for undergraduate education at Christopher Newport University, a public liberal arts university in Newport News, Va.

Open meetings for the public to meet the candidates take place at 11 a.m., Aug. 20 for Crawford and at 11 a.m. Aug. 25 for Colvin, both in Kelly Theater. 

After the candidates visit campus and meet with alumni, staff, students and faculty, the search committee will evaluate the campus interviews and offer their choice to the Board of Governors, which makes the final selection.

An announcement is expected on that selection by the end of August.

President Stephen Greiner announced his June 30, 2020 retirement in November 2019 but agreed to stay on due to the pandemic at the request of the Board of Governors.

Two of the final candidates announced in March withdrew from the search over the summer and are no longer in the running, Dr. Joe Delap and Dr. David Haney.

For detailed agendas and CVs of each candidate’s visit please click on the WLU Board of Governors webpage, found at:

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