WLU Student Government Leaders Take the Helm for 2022- 2023

West Liberty University’s Student Government Association (SGA) leaders were sworn in at the annual Honors Convocation held at 6 p.m., Wednesday, April 27, 2022.

Executive Director of Housing and Student Life Marcella Snyder administered the oaths of office at the end of the convocation to incoming President Sydney Burkle and Vice President Cody Dixon-Rushman.

President Sydney Burkle is a junior, marketing major. A member and past president of Alpha Xi Delta, she serves as the vice president of recruitment for the Panhellenic Council. Burkle is from Wheeling and is the daughter of Hilltopper Coach Eric Burkle and Shelley Crake, both of Wheeling.

She looks forward to the year ahead. 

“As student body president, I will work diligently to improve in the areas of efficiency, transparency, and opportunity, all for the students of West Liberty University. Making grounded relationships with faculty, staff and administrators is at the top of my priority list, as well as providing frequent programming to create a more inclusive campus community for all. Throughout the coming year, I will strive to improve West Liberty University and look forward to doing so,” she said.

Burkle’s future educational goal is to earn her MBA post-graduation.

Vice President Cody Dixon-Rushman a junior, double-majoring in cyber security and computer information systems. He is a member of fraternities, Beta Theta Gamma and Phi Beta Lambda. He also is a member of the West Liberty Investment Club.

A student employee of the WLU Department of Information Technology, Dixon-Rushman enjoys helping students and faculty with any computer issues across campus. He is from Shadyside, Ohio.

“Overall, I do what I can through the organizations I take part in to help students and faculty. I want to make an impact here on campus and I’m here to help,” said Dixon-Rushman.

Other SGA officers elected and confirmed for 2022 – 2023 include:

Senators: Ishika Agarwal, Payton Sherry, Andrew Dalton, Haleigh McFatridge, Hannah Holbert, Alexis Ramby and Peyton Anderson. Additional Senators will be elected in September when the students return to campus for the 2022 – 2023 academic year.

SGA continually works with administrators and acts as bridges of communication between students and administration. SGA also develops creative programming for students to keep the student experience the best it can possibly be.

The association governs itself on three overarching principles: service, leadership and integrity. Its office is located on the second floor of the College Union building.

For more information, please visit the SGA webpage.

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