Youth Services System Inc.’s Peer Recovery Support team will hold an information meeting for teens and older youth in recovery at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 31, at the Unity Center, 4850 Eoff St., Benwood.
YSS invites people ages 14-22 who have struggled with alcohol or drugs to attend the meeting and learn about SMART Recovery, a self-help recovery program. For information, call Abby Baker, YSS peer recovery support specialist, 304-639-4902. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend this initial meeting.
“West Virginia has increased recovery support for adults through state opioid funding, so now we want to focus on offering similar programs to support our local youth by helping them get on track as they approach adulthood,” Baker said. “We want to give them a chance to support one another in a safe place.”
SMART Recovery is a self-focused alternative to 12-step programs. It is used by both adults and youth. SMART stands for Self-Management And Recovery Training. It helps participants identify reasons to change; cope with urges; self-manage thoughts, feelings and behaviors; and establish goals.
“SMART Recovery is an evidence-based program with proven results. The goal is to assist youth with achieving a happier, more fulfilling lifestyle,” Jill Eddy, YSS Community-based Services director, said.
Youth Services System Inc. was founded in 1974 with a mission “to create better futures for children, families and our community.” For more information, visit www.youthservicessystem.org.