An architect? That is how you referred to yourself, is it not? That’s the role you believe you’ve filled for Mountain State residents during this pandemic, right?

Or was that just “rock-solid politics”?

That is how you twisted a letter received from Democrats in the House of Delegates that requested a call for a special session so legislators can legislate and appropriately appropriate more than a billion dollars of CARES Act relief monies. You act, for some unknown reason, as if the state’s lawmakers and the residents of West Virginia haven’t a reason to possess trust issues with your leadership.

But Gov. Justice, some of us refuse to appreciate a maniacal monarchy.

  • Let’s begin with the flip and the flop you pulled for your buddy President Donald Trump after you ran, smothering your opponents with millions, and won as a Democrat. Today, you are a Republican, and even some members of your own party often disagree with some your decisions.  
  • Your handling of the federal RISE Funds for residents devastated in the Summer of 2016 has been atrocious. How recently have you inquired how many remain without the homes promised them?
  • The bridges and ramps along Interstate 70 are not receiving the repairs and replacements initially promised when you campaigned for the “Roads to Prosperity” program that upped our DMV-related fees, and that means what was eliminated from the priorities to lower the price tag by $70 million will be someone else’s problem in about 10 years.
  • You refuse to live in the Governor’s Mansion, Governor, and that’s just weird. Republicans and Democrats have said they seldom saw you inside the Capitol … even during the Legislature’s regular session. How gubernatorial is that?
  • The CARES Act received congressional approval and was signed by the president in late March, and only now you have made funds available to small businesses in West Virginia? What part of a pandemic did you not understand for three months?
  • You should have set an example, Gov. Justice, the day after the Center for Disease Control advised wearing face covering likely would limit exposure. You like to be a showman so you could have pulled it off … camera goes on and what we see is you making your way to the desk at which you sit … wearing a mask. You sit … remove the mask (without covering your eyes again) and begin your address. Viola, even “Big Jim” wears a mask.

The state’s economy is struggling, you’ve done little to diversify the economy, and the fact that you are still staging extended daily briefings is what is “rock-solid politics,” Governor. And we know, the president will come to West Virginia to support your re-election, and the Commander in Chief will tell us that if anyone can figure out to bring back the coal industry, it’s you … and many residents will eat that up just as they did the first time around.

But it won’t be true, will it, Governor?


The Not Again Gang