Ladies and Gentlemen:

See that up there – ^^^ – just below the headline?

The sketch? The one by popular local artist Bob Dombrowski? The one featuring a vision of our next feared nightmare?

That’s the Interstate 470-Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge. It’s the last span Ohio County residents have left that has not been blocked and surrounded by orange barrels and “Road Closed” signs. Now, we know it’s pretty old and has her issues, but can y’all give some good people a break and skip just one road construction season?

Not only did the I-70 projects – all 26 of them – JUST get finished, but y’all have construction crews all over downtown Wheeling right now and STILL on the closed Suspension Bridge. Our brains hurt and our mental health is suffering, and not just because we’ve had to think our way through orange-barrelled detour after detour, but also because the perpetual and unbroken bumpiness has scrambled our interior craniums!

So, IF you are planning something – A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G. – can you please communicate far better than you have during the past three years?

Scope, budget, timeframe, when-to-when. And sure, a few diagrams would be nice.


Every Single Person in the Upper Ohio Valley