Officials with the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office believe the scene where two fatalities were discovered in Belmont, Ohio, is suspicious and in need of further investigation.

According to Chief Deputy James Zuzack, agents with the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation currently is processing the scene at Trails End Road. Zuzack said more information concerning the incident will not be released until tomorrow, if possible.

The chief deputy said if any residential or commercial property owners along U.S. Route have surveillance cameras that were operational early this morning that they should contact the sheriff’s office at 740-695-7933. Zuzack added the names of the deceased cannot be released at this time in order to contact family members.

A fire was reported early this morning before 7 a.m. along Trails End Road in Belmont. Most of the damage, Zuzack confirmed, took place on the second floor of the residence. Along with EMTs and firefighters, the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office has had a heavy presence at the residence.

LEDE News will follow this incident closely to bring our readers the most up-to-date information.