Dear Charles:

God save the King?

We would have preferred, “God save Princess Diana,” but that was 26 years ago, we know that, but there’s still something of a grudge still held because, well, the dream was supposed to continue instead of ending with your cheating, her cheating, the divorce, and then her tragic, shocking death in that tunnel in Paris at the age of 36.

We loved the Princess of Wales for her beauty, her elegance, her obvious love for her children, and for the global role she decided to fill despite you. It was her grace, though, we adored the most as she showed the world we could care about – and even hug – those ill with AIDS, those hungry and poor, and in need of a world’s attention, and those struggling with themselves in so many different ways.

You, well … you were just there, honestly, if we must be honest, and on this early morning during which you were crowned, we wish it were her next to you and not, well, HER.

Princess Diana was quoted as saying so many wise statements during her short life, including:

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”

And …

Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.”

But perhaps the most prophetic words Princess Diana ever spoke were, “I’d like to be a queen in people’s hearts.

And that, King Charles the Third, she most definitely is.

Good luck, live long, and live well, sir, but God save your children.

The Princess Diana Fan Club