I’ll write about things that interest me. I’ll string together some marginally coherent prose about things that annoy me. I’ll write at length about some of the great things that happen in our valley.

And then there’s the one subject that is so upsetting and intensely personal that it just completely sets me off. This is one of those.

There are 365 days in each year. One of those days is the anniversary of my birth. We all have them, and I personally wish you many more of them.

It’s just one day. As anyone whose birthday is from mid-December until the first of the year can tell you, you’re overshadowed by another birthday that we celebrate on December 25th.

It’s not a matter of ranking, and it’s not a matter of importance. It’s that you were forgotten. We know it, and you know it. I’m not expecting any magic, either. It’s just that on behalf of all the people with Christmas birthdays, I’m spouting off. Loudly.

I’m not going to assume for a hot minute that our Christmas birthdays will ever be on parity with all the other birthdays that occur on the other 350 days of the year. We both know that’s not going to happen.

Like your birthday, where the greeting is “Happy Birthday”, as opposed to what happens to those of us with birthdays in that cone of confusion, those last couple of weeks of December. Where it’s “Merry Christmas” followed with “Oh, it’s your birthday?”

I don’t think that magically everyone else is going to remember. That’s a non-starter as well.

But maybe, just maybe someone will wish another “Christmas Baby” Happy Birthday first, in a genuine and authentic way, and Merry Christmas second. Trust me, it will bring an enormous smile and twinkle to the eye of the birthday girl or boy.

For obvious reasons, our birthdays get lost in the Christmas shuffle. Even those of us with Christmas Birthdays forget to greet others with the same unfortunate affliction, so we “get it”. Understanding something does not mean we like it.

Gifting is a whole different afterthought with Christmas birthdays.

You KNOW you do it…. the last-minute combination Christmas / Birthday present. You know. We know too. Those of us with Christmas birthdays have resigned ourselves to it.

We are thankful for any recognition we get. So thank you. Just remember, those of your with June birthdays, payback is a real mother dog.

For the record, I was born about noon on December 25th back when cars still had tail fins.  Obviously, I ruined Christmas dinner not only for my Mom, but for our family physician (a WWII buddy of my Dad) who took every opportunity to remind me with exactly the right amount of mirth.

Every birthday is wonderful. It’s your day, and it’s special. We don’t get to choose what day it is, but we completely get to decide how we celebrate.

I decided long ago to hitchhike on the season. It works for me, and I’m beginning my 66th trip around the sun. I’m going to have a great birthday, regardless of who I have to share it with.

So, remember to say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” first to your friends with Christmas birthdays. They will appreciate it more than you know.

Oh, and it’s Christmas? Merry Christmas!