
You know, F. U. N. 

If and when the term is looked up in the dictionary, the curious will find “fun” is a noun (enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure), an adjective (amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable), and a verb (joke or tease), and if there was a photo?

You guessed it. Roxanne Bruce.

Especially now that the Fall season has arrived because there’s so many ghosts and goblins to paint at this time of year with, of course, a sip of something called seasonal silliness. And then she enjoys what follows the oranges, browns, and yellows of the annual harvest season because there are, for St. Nick’s sakes, elves and reindeer and Santa Claus to conjure at her Creative Canvas events.

Now, in this Q&A format, Roxanne may seem a lady of few words, but that’s only because she’s not used to people inquiring about her incessant smile, that ever-so-present pop in her step, and her gleeful existence. Maybe it’s because they take her giddiness for granted, but it’s not a gimmick in the least. 

Ya see, this American veteran is a happy individual. As odd and rare as that may seem, Roxanne is a pleasant person because she’s adopted a productive and positive mindset that apparently is impenetrable.

Join in and say it with us out loud: “Good for you, girl.”   

A woman painting.
Bruce runs two businesses associated with Paint n’ Sip events throughout the Upper Ohio Valley.

Which holiday seems more popular among the paint-n’-sippers crowd in the area, and what do they paint at that time of year? 

Once it’s pumpkin season everyone comes out of the woodwork for classes, it’s great! The weather cools down, school has started and everyone starts getting into fall mode! That energy continues right into Christmas and winter it’s my busy time of year I love it. 

How have your years in the military helped – and hurt – your life as a civilian? 

The Army helped make my life what it is in so many ways. It started my adult life off with knowing I would have a college education. It helped me learn to be self-sufficient and head into the world away from my family on my own, which was terrifying at first and quickly exciting. 

By far the biggest impact it brought me though was meeting my husband of 20 years. That one decision of joining the Army gave me my beautiful family. 

What activity do you prefer more – a walk on the beach or a hike in the mountains? Why? 

Definitely a hike in the mountains, I am a very active person and run every day. I love to challenge myself and have even started upping my races this year and just did my first half-trail marathon. 

What do most people not realize about their local Rotary Club? 

Honestly, most people that I meet have no clue what Rotary does at all, and I’m always very happy to tell them about it because it’s such a great organization. I actually just finished up my one-year term as president and I am currently serving on the board. 

The Rotary of St. Clairsville focuses on raising money to cure polio on an international level. But even more than that, our local focus is to raise funds throughout the year with our fundraisers and put that money directly back into our community

A painting.
Roxanne is an artist herself and she has entered competitions in the areas.

So, what are your plans for the Halloween costumes you and your husband plan to wear this year? 

We are torn between The Trumps, the Simpons or maybe the Bundys!